Chapter Twenty-Three

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For the wedding we decided to go with a small intimate setting, with our close family and friends. We were having it at Rossi's place and Reid was officiating the wedding, his gift to us.

It was officially wedding day, we were at each end of the house getting ready, I was going to be wearing a short white lace dress that had lace sleeves, my hair was in an updo with little white flowers in it. The girls and I were in one of the many rooms while I fed Chloé, we were getting our makeup done.

"Are you nervous JJ?" Beth asks.

"No, I'm excited and ready for this to be over, I would've been fine going to the courthouse."

"I'm so happy for you guys. Y'all have been through a lot but we are here now, Chloé gets to witness her moms getting married even though she'll be asleep from a milk coma." I laugh and look down at Chloé as she nurses.

"She's so beautiful.. I can't believe we made this beautiful human." I kiss her head and the girl's Awe, Garcia snaps a picture to send to Emily later.


The guys and I are in our room getting ready, well actually Dave brought out the cigars so we are smoking those and sipping a very expensive bottle of whiskey. We are all dressed and waiting.

"So Emily, you're about to be a married woman, how does it feel?" Derek asked. I take a drag of the cigar before I answer.

"I'm excited, I think. I mean we've known each other for years now, we have a baby together so this is just finally connecting us. I'm so ready for her to have my last name"

"I want to make a toast. Emily, you're like a daughter to me. This team has seen you through a lot, I think I speak for everyone when I say this. May you find peace and joy in your marriage, may you guys stay forever together. Marriage can be tough but you guys are tougher. Congratulations!" We all stood up and clinked our glasses together, throwing their drinks back.

"Now let's get you married!"


The backyard was decorated so beautifully. Rossi went all out for our wedding, also a gift from him. The big tree he had towards the back showcased the arch that I was about to get married underneath. One side of the yard had the food and drinks set up along with the DJ. The other side held the guest tables.

The guys and I stood at the altar with Henry and Michael standing before me. I was so nervous. I'm glad I chose a black tux because I'm pretty sure I was sweating a lot.

I bowed my head, I'm not really religious but I have a lot to be thankful for. I took a few minutes to myself before the wedding started.

I looked up as the bride's wedding song came through the speakers. I think all the oxygen I've ever had in my body left when I saw Jennifer. I wiped at my eyes as she walked towards me, she looked like an angel. I feel Derek grab my shoulder and a tissue pressed into my hand so I can wipe my face.


When the doors opened up and I saw Emily I forgot how to walk, my steps weren't together. She looked so good standing there. I smile as I see her wipe tears away, Emily isn't one to show emotions so seeing this makes everything worth it.

I clutch at my dads arm as we walk down the makeshift aisle, I decided to go barefoot, anything to get back to my roots. The boys looked so handsome standing up there with Emily. Tears started swimming in my eyes the closer I got. Garcia was standing there holding a sleeping Chloé.

Once we got to the altar my dad handed me over to Emily giving me a kiss on the cheek before going to sit beside my mom.

"You're so beautiful.." Emily said once we were in front of each other. I smiled wide.

"You look very handsome yourself"


The ceremony was amazing. I can't believe I'm finally married to Emily. We were sitting around the table with the team when we heard Emily's mom take the microphone.

"Good evening everyone. I just want to say my congratulations to the beautiful brides. I may not have always been there for you but I'm always proud of you. Seeing the love you have for Jennifer should inspire everyone to go for the person they truly belong with. Your father and I want to gift you with a yacht vacation to Greece, everything is paid for, your bags are packed, you just need to leave. I want everyone to raise their glasses to Jennifer and Emily, and I want you girls to remember this, love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. I love you and I wish you nothing but the best" we raised our glasses and took a sip. We shared a kiss.


The after party was wrapping up, Emily and I were saying bye to the kids, we had a flight to catch. My mom and dad came down to watch the kids and the house while we were gone for 3 weeks. I was so nervous to leave Chloé alone but I pumped so she should be okay.

"Are y'all sure y'all are gonna be okay with three kids?" I asked my mom and dad as we stood around the living room.

"I think I can handle 3 kids for 3 weeks, I've had kids before sweetie" my mom said taking Chloé from me. I bit my lip looking at them.

"Okay... My phone will always be on and so will Emily's. If you need us for any reason at all please call us? I left milk in the freezer, Henry has soccer practice three days a week, Michael-"

"Jennifer, I think your parents know everything, you left a book of things written down back at the apartment. Now, let's go." Emily said, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

"Okay okay" I kissed the kids one last time before Emily and I left.

We hopped in the car and headed out.


Our babies got married finally! 🍾🍾

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