Chapter Eight

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When Emily woke up the next morning, she was very confused as to how she got home. The last thing she remembers is being at her friend's house and trying to find a way home. She knew that going out was gonna cause problems, but she didn't know drugs would be involved. She just took the shots that were given to her. She plugged her phone up and took off into the bathroom to wash up and get rid of it last night. After her shower she threw on a sports bra and boxers before going to look for JJ, after 20 minutes of looking and calling her, she started freaking out. She had texted Garcia and Morgan and they haven't even heard from her.

Finally around 12 she decided to go to JJ's house, she threw on some clothes and headed out. On the drive there she was trying to remember when she could've left. Was it after she left or after she got back? She didn't know if something happened to her, was she alive or dead? Plus her head was still spinning from last night, whatever happened really fucked her up. Luckily there were no police out because she was sure she would've gotten pulled over. As she pulled up to JJ's brownstone she saw her car parked outside. She got out and rushed to the door knocking.

"JJ baby please open, I know you're in there!" She banged on the door. "You have 5 seconds or I'm breaking down the door!" She heard the door crack open.

"What do you want Emily? Leave me alone" JJ tried to close the door but Emily put her foot in the way.

"No let me in first, please baby" she heard JJ sigh and open the door for her. She followed JJ into the kitchen.

"Would you like anything to drink?" JJ asked, not looking at her.

"Jennifer look at me" JJ turned around but didn't look at her. She walked towards her but JJ backed up before she was able to reach her. "Baby... What's wrong, what happened? I woke up and you were gone, I've been calling and texting you all morning, I called Garcia and Derek, I was freaking out. My head was spinning and I can't remember getting home! All I know is you weren't there" by this time she had tears in her eyes and she heard JJ sniffling.

"Emily.. I was up until 3AM waiting for you! I tried calling you a thousand times but you never answered, then you show up at 5 in the morning, never said anything to me, you smelled like fucking weed and women, like what the fuck? You said you were going to meet a friend Emily! If you're going to be lying to me about where you are then I'm ending this relationship, how can you be a Agent if you're out getting fucked up?! Tell me that?! How would your mom react?!" JJ was fuming at this point and crying.

"Jennifer.. I don't know what happened. I went to meet a friend and he was having a party. I stayed for a few drinks then I woke up at home, I don't remember what happened, I'm telling you the truth, I would never jeopardize my career or relationship with you, I love you so much! I can't lose you Jennifer, I can't." Emily was leaning against the counter because her head was spinning like crazy and she felt like she was about to be sick.

"Oh don't give me that bullshit Emily! You know what you were doing, I'm not gonna run behind you like a puppy just so you can go out and cheat with everything woman that wants you!"

"Jay.." JJ's mood completely changed when she saw how pale Emily was, and the way she swayed, she ran over to her.

"Hey, what's wrong? What hurts?" She sat Emily down on the couch.

"My head is spinning and I feel sick" before she could say anything else her eyes rolled back and she passed out.



We've been at the hospital for 2 hours. I brought Emily in after she passed out, well I called the ambulance. They took her back as soon as we got here and I haven't heard anything since. I called Hotch and asked him not to tell anyone what was going on. After another hour or so of sitting a doctor finally came out.

"You're here for Emily Prentiss, correct?"

"Yes, is she okay?" I had tears in my eyes and I had my arms wrapped around me.

"We are pumping her stomach at the moment. We found a few drugs in her system like liquid ecstasy, flunitrazepam also known as roofies, and Special K also known as ketamine. We are trying to flush as much of it out as we can, we want to keep her for a few days to make sure she doesn't have another reaction. When we got her back she had a mild seizure, we put her into a medically induced coma so that we can do what we need to do. She also had some bruising on her back like she had fallen on something. Is this something she does all the time? The drugs?"

"Uh, I, no. We are federal agents, we get drug tested all the time. She did go to a party last night but she said she can't remember anything that happened. Was she-?" JJ couldn't bring herself to say the word.

"No ma'am. We examined her and everything was okay, now if she had sex willingly there's no way to know, but there were no signs of bruising in the lower area. She's gonna be okay, we will mark her file that way her drug tests don't come back positive but with us flushing her system she should be fine. I can take you back if you want to see her?"

"Yes please" JJ followed the nurse to Emily's room and paused outside of the door before going on. Emily was so pale hooked up to the machines. Wires going everywhere, the beeping of the machines, she sat in the chair beside Emily's bed, taking her hand kissing it. "I'm so sorry for yelling at you Em. We are going to find out who did this, I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you. You're gonna be okay baby, the doctor said so. You're just sleeping right now baby. You look so fragile but you're gonna be okay. I love you so much Emily." She kissed her head and walked outside to call Hotch. She told him everything that was going on and gave me the following week off so Emily could rest. JJ knew that they needed to talk about what happened, but how can you talk about something that you don't remember?


"Emily, would you stop carrying stuff?!" JJ was getting fed up with Emily and she's only been out of the hospital for 2 hours. "Jesus you just got out of a coma"

"Yes I know that Jennifer" Emily rolled her eyes as she sat down on the couch sighing loudly. "I'm bored"

"Go to sleep"

"I'm not sleepy though," Emily said, pouting "Can we watch a movie and cuddle?" She gave JJ puppy dog eyes.

JJ shook her head, rolling her eyes as she put their bags in the hall closet. "Sure, what do you want to watch?"

"Wolf of Wall Street" JJ made some popcorn and put the movie on, she laid back on the couch with Emily laying between her legs, head on her stomach. She ran her fingers through her hair and before long they were knocked out, the movie long forgotten and the popcorn turning cold.

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