Chapter Thirty-One

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August 14th, 2019

A lot has changed over the last 8 months. With us dealing with the arrival of the new baby, Emily taking over for Hotch and Derek taking Rossi's position, we've been busy. I'm due to have baby Prentiss any day now, Emily has been on edge with getting longer cases that will keep her away.

Garcia has been working from home to keep an eye on me, Emily set up a space for her to work from. We decided to keep the younger kids in daycare in case I went into labor and nobody was there to watch them. Emily and Derek call every 30 minutes to check on me especially since I lost my mucus plug a few days ago and I've been having a few pains here and there.

When I woke up this morning Emily was already gone for the morning and Garcia was downstairs working. I couldn't remember what woke me up until I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I breathe through it the best that I could. I slowly got up and made my way into the bathroom to pee and jump into the shower.


As soon as I stepped out of the shower I felt a gush of liquid run out of me and a pain in my back. I placed both hands under my stomach, breathing deeply as the pain passed. I groaned and made my way into the room so I could get dressed. Once I at least had a shirt on I yelled for Garcia.

"Pen!! Please come here!!" I tried to keep my voice from shaking, I've done this 3 times already. But each time doesn't get any better. I heard her coming up the stairs as another pain shot through me.

"Oh no what's wrong?!" She asked, running over to me.

"Water broke, just help me downstairs" she grabbed my arm and helped me up then downstairs into the living room. "Do not call Emily yet"

"What why?! You're in labor JJ!"

"It's not time yet Garcia, I'll let you know when"


"So any day now huh?" I heard Derek ask as he came into my office with Reid.

"Yup, any day. She's been having a few back pains and she lost her mucus plug, remember?" I said, rubbing my head. I was stressing out because I didn't want to get a case then Jennifer went into labor.

"You okay?" Reid asked, frowning at me.

"Yeah just a little on edge.. I don't want Jennifer going into labor and I'm not here" he nodded in understanding having done the same with Chloé.

My phone started ringing and I picked it up as fast as I could when I saw Garcia's name.

"Hey Garcia"

"Boss lady! Baby momma is a go! We are heading to the hospital now!" My eyes widened and I dropped the phone, Derek got up and picked it up. I didn't hear anything after that. I jumped up and started packing my briefcase.

"You ready?" Derek asked once he hung the phone up.

"Been ready" Derek and I along with Reid left heading down to the parking garage.


"Hey baby! I got here as fast as I could, how are you feeling?" I asked Jennifer once I stepped into the hospital room.

"Hi baby, I'm okay." I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"How dilated are you?"

"6cm right now. They should be here by the end of the night." I took my boots off and climbed into the bed beside her.

"Get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up" she yawned and nodded her head leaning against me. I read through and replied to some emails while she slept.


"Okay mommy, it's time to push!" My doctor said walking into the room. It's now 5pm.

Emily took her place on one side while Garcia took the other. "I love you baby, I'll be right here" I leaned back and focused on my breathing as they got me set up.

"Ok JJ, when your next contraction comes I want you to push for me" Emily helped me sit up. Once I felt a contraction, I pushed with everything I had.

"Fuck! I don't want anymore kids Emily and I mean that!" I said, grabbing her collar.

"Ok yes ma'am, you got it!" Garcia chuckled beside me at Emily's scared face, her eyes were wide.


"Congratulations mommy, you have a beautiful baby girl!" I cried as they laid her on my chest, I can't believe she's finally here.

"You did so good, baby" Emily said as she stared at our newest arrival.

"Momma, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctor asked her.

"Of course!"


"Oh my god.. She's beautiful.." Elizabeth said as she held her newest granddaughter.

"Thank you, she took after Jennifer with the blonde hair," Emily said from her place beside me. I leaned into her as the team and our families stood around the room.

"Does that little gumdrop have a name?" Garcia asked since we finally know what she is now.

"Yes, everyone meet Elizabeth Grace Prentiss"

"Elizabeth?" Emily's mom asked with tears in her eyes as she looked down at our daughter.

"Yes, you've been a big help the last few years mom. Ever since your retirement you've always put us and the kids first, no matter what. It's only right that she's named after you, you've helped Jennifer a lot through this pregnancy and there's no better way to honor you than this."

"I am so honored, girls, I really am. I love you both so much, thank you" she handed Garcia the baby before coming over and giving us hugs.

Nobody left the hospital that night. Elizabeth being the bossy woman she is, demanded that the hospital bring cots for everyone to sleep on, our room had just the right amount of space to fit everyone. After everyone was asleep Emily stood by the window holding Grace, she would point out every star that she saw. She would count every toe and every finger.

And if you listened close enough you probably could hear her telling her a story. Bedtime for Baby Star.

"No matter where you go, no matter where you are,

no matter how big you grow and even if you stray far, I'll love you forever, because you're always my baby star."


The end is here you guys!

Just want to thank everyone for viewing and voting on this story! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. None of these stores are possible without you guys, the Jemily family.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

Vote, comment, share ✨

It was a pleasure writing this story!

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