Mario updates his data plan and I get a new phone!

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    A about a month passed after Christmas. I didn't want the shoes to get snowed so I wear them until to today. They're so comfortable to put on! And it makes me feel a bit taller. I am also wearing the sweater SMG4 got me. 

   I'm wearing my overalls over them like how I would usually wear a shirt. Mario invited me to come with him to T-mobile so he could update his phone. I came with him since I also need a new phone... mini me and eggcat broke the last one because they were fighting for who gets to play on my phone first. And no I'm not get them a phone! They're too young to have one(I think) I  got a phone until I was about 7 or 8 years old. 

   Anyways off track here, me and Mario arrive at T-mobile and Mario starts to mess up the phone by taking a horrible screenshot of him and making it the Lock Screen. I look at the different phones they have some nice ones and some crazy. I look at one of the nicer phone and instantly get blinded by the Lock Screen photo.

"Really Mario? Why? I get it that it's funny but why?" I ask him looking at the prices of some of the phones.

"Mario likes to do it! Maybe you should try it SMG5." He says as he gives me a phone and changes the last phone's lock screen to be his face.

"Nah. I don't want to get in trouble and besides we're here to get your phone plan updated and me a new phone." I said putting the phone down. "I'm going to look around for a nice phone at cheap price. You can stay here and get an employee to have your phone updated." I said as I leave.

Why the f—k to phones cost so much?! I look at the prices. "Ain't there one phone that's normal!?" I look around at the other phones. I should've went to the Apple Store instead...

"Hey come here!" Chris calls me over.

I walk over to him "yes?"

"So you looking to buy a new phone?" He asks.

"Yes my children broke my other one. Do you have any normal phones and not so crazy ones...?" 

He nods and shows me where they were. 

"Oh! Thanks Chris!" I said and looking at the phones. I eventually got a phone that's nice and cheap but not to cheap to where it's crappy. I also get a phone case and screen protecter to go along with it. The phone case is/has (You guys can have the design of it however you want)

"Thank you come again!" Chris says waving. 

Just then SMG4  comes in and buys a phone...the shrek phone... then he starts to do a sponsor on the game that I remember SMG3 playing on his stream.

"Cause this video is sponsored by... Shrek Online! Shrek is an online MMORPG with 1990s graphics. Play as your very own Shrek as you explore all the vast lands of Swamp World and live your wildest fantasies!"

Before he could finish I shut him up by covering his mouth. "Shush SMG4 no one wants to hear that." He looks down at the ground sad. 

"Sorry...Four it's just the video already started. You're supposed to do those at the beginning." I uncover his mouth, dropping my hand back to my side. "Next time do it at the beginning." I suggest.

He was about to say something but looks up and down at the clothes I'm wearing . He blushed a bit. "You're wearing the sweater I gave you?"

I chuckled, "Well of course I would! I won't wear it everyday but I wanted to wear it today. How do I look?" I said posing like I am posing for a picture.

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now