Wonder flower!!...gross

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You stare at the blue, floating glowing flower with curiosity, wondering what it is. "What..is this..?"

Just then Mario breaks the door open.

"Oh, hey Mario. Do you know what this flower is? I'm wondering what it is and asking you because-"

Mario shoves some flower petals in your throat, while he eats the rest.

"ACK! Mario you son of a biitttt...holy..." You feel dizzy, and see colors around you. Mario feeling the pain of it.

When you shake your head, it goes away

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When you shake your head, it goes away. You blink, "ah..that..that was weird as hell... Mario why?!"

Mario shrugs, "You always look so stressed and tensed! You need-a to relax! Mario did you a favor!"

"All you did was make me feel sick. God damn you."

Just then, Mario's watch beeps. Mario looks at it and on the screen says 'SMG4 time!' "Oh boi! Time to bother SMG4! OOOOHHH S-M-G-4!!" Mario kicks the door open before you can stop him.

"Mario!! What did I say about-" you stop talking as you look at the scene. Beeg and Eggdog are brushing Four's and Three's hair, a collar and leash on both of them. "What the fuck..."

Mario looked just as weirded out too, "What the?! What happened to you guys?!"

You look out the window and see that everyone was weird. Nothing looked the same. "Mario." You say darkly.

Mario flinches, and turns to you slowly.

"What the fuck did you shove down my throat."

"Uh-! Mario will get to the bottom of it once Mario knows why these guys look like this!"

Beeg turns to us, pointing at Mario. "Blegh." Eggdog and Beeg lets go of the leashes, both of Three and Four growl.

You step back, not wanting to get into the fight.

Both Three and Four bite Mario, Three on his right lower leg, Four on his left arm.

"Oh jeez! Boys! No!" You point at them. Both of them look at you, "Down. Now." You look at them sternly, point down.

They both whimper, letting go of Mario and sits on the ground in front of you.

Eggdog and Beeg looks at you in surprise.

"Mario, I'll catch up. You go to your brother, he may have a solution to this."

Mario nods, running out of there.

You look back at Four and Three, crouching down to their height, "No attacking people. It's not nice. Got it?"

They both whimper, nodding their heads.

You smile, and pet their heads, "good boys." You stand back up, lifting your hand away from their heads, and look at Beeg and Eggdog, "who in the right mind would let their pets attack people?! You two son hold be ashamed for your self's!"

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