Forced to hold hands and telling the truth...

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I can't tell them..I have tried SO many times but I can't find the right time to tell them! I stayed up so late just try to find out on what and when to say it but I can't...I just...I need sleep..

I rest my head on my pillow...sleep catching up to me...


I wake feeling...very warm and cozy. I snuggle up to a..pillow..? Wait..why is it-? I open my eyes and realize I was snuggling up to Four, "HOLY-" I tried to cover my mouth hands...I can't..use them. I lift them up to see that I'm holding onto Three's and Four's hand.

Four opens his eyes, turns around and notices me staring at him, "Hi-" he screamed bloody murder causing Three to wake up and do the same.


They both shut up.

"'s too early to you guys to scream.. I would pinch the top on my nose but I can't because you guys are holding my hands."

"What what-" Three looks and sees that he is, Four does the same. Their cheeks flushed and they both try to get out of my hands.

"Guys...I don't think that's working...I think we're stuck together. Cause it seems like both of you aren't holding my hand."

For some reason, Three freaked out, ran to a wall and began to bang his head on the wall, "No no no! This can't be happening!" He banged his head harder and the wall collapsed to reveal Melony giving a gift to her pet.

"Sorry Melony!" I apologized.

"That's okay!" She thumbs up at me.

Four looks at Three, bored, "You done?"

"Yes..." muffled by the ground.

Four sighed, "Okay, let's retract our steps, what were you guys doing before?"

I get a flashback on me crying at night and freaking out on when to tell everyone my deep truth, "I was getting my kids to bed. They were a bit rowdy due to candy."

Three must have also got a flashback because he coughs into his hand, "Uh- Yea-uh I was doing MANLY evil stuff, hehe...." He smiles nervously at us.

Me and Four looks at him, deadpanned.

"Somehow I don't think that's true."

Melony behind us closes the hole with a brick wall.

"Well I was just making memes before I went to bed. So if neither of us did it then..." both Four and Three groaned, "MARIO!!" They both shout.

I then hear a crash behind me and I look over, I see a fucking green pipe out of the ground, "WHAT THE FUCK?! What is with you guys today?! Why is your home getting so destroyed. Anyone else who wrecks this should, I'm killing them." I said, annoyed and angry. Three rubs his thumb on my knuckles, trying to clam me down. Let me just say, it was working, and it also making me blush a bit.

"Back by unpopular demand, Me!"

"Mario, do you have anything to do with this?!" Four ask, raising our connected hand as well did Three.

"Wow, are you guys dating now?" Mario ask.

I blush intently, "NO! We-we aren't dating.."

Four and Three blushes as well.

"What..what Five said.." Three seemed to be disappointed or sad..

"DID YOU GLUE OTHER HANDS TOGETHER WHEN WE WERE ASLEEP?!" Four ask, slightly getting upset.

Mario raise his hand but then stops and thinks, "Nope, wasn't me."

"Well ain't that just great." I squeezed my hands in annoyance. Three sat down on the ground, annoyed as well, he squeezes back. Four does the same to my hand.

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