Mario goes coo-coo crazy

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I'm on a bean bag with my phone in my hand, looking at comments or on social media, Luigi and Tari are on the couch and they are playing a Pokémon game. Melony is sleeping on the other side of couch. How does she sleep so much? I can't even take a nap during the day... then Mario appears from the ceiling and falls to the ground, with a worried look.

"Guys! Have you seen my sombrero?" Mario disguises as a Mexican and dances disappointed, meanwhile Luigi and Tari keep playing the Pokémon game very concentrated.

I look up from my phone, "Sorry Mario, I haven't seen your sombrero. Maybe it's in the dress up chest?"

"I already looked in there!" Mario then looks at Luigi and Tari, who are still playing the game, unbothered. 

He tries to get their attention, "Hey stinky! Hey stinky! Hey stinky-stinky! Hey Stinky!" Mario tries to get them to pay attention to him by walking in front of the game and distracting them with him shaking his plumber ass but all his efforts are in vain, "What the hell is this? What going on here?" 

Then Mario looks at the TV where the game is running and gets interested, and asks them if he can play, "Can I play?"

Luigi and Tari look at each other worried, remembering the events of the SM64 bloopers episode "Mario VS Pokemon GO". When Mario messed up with Pokeballs a lot, Yoshi shouting 'Oh My God!' as he gets caught, too.

"uhhhh nu huh" Luigi shakes his head.

"What do you mean "nu huh"? I WANNA PLAY TOO!!" (THE FYM 'NU HUH'!?)

"Uhhh? What's wrong with him wanting to play Pokémon?"

Tari then whisper to me about the past.


Then tv starts to beep and Mario sees why the TV's beeping, he sees that from the Pokémon game, the Legendary Pokémon "Obamic" appeared. Luigi and Tari get excited at this and both of them try to capture him, which they succeed.

Mario gets even more interested in the game, and starts talking under his breath angrily, then an idea occurred to him, and he smiled mischievously. "Hey Luigi, " he shows his Iphone, "there was a terrible accident."

Luigi looks at the phone strangely, and when he realizes he gets worried. Apparently a plate of Lasagna that supposedly owned him fell to the ground, he then becomes a Helicopter and goes home, very worried.

"What the f—k..."

Then, Mario sits on the couch, replacing his brother's place. Me and Tari looks slightly worried at him.

"Oh Well... i guess you can play now." Tari smiles nervously.

"Just don't go too crazy...okay?"

Mario nods, "Here we GOOOOOOOOOO!!"

Mario then plays, collecting all sorts of characters. I smile. Maybe he won't go crazy...hopefully...

"This is the greatest day of my life!" Mario gets hyped at this and continues playing for the rest of the day.

I leave after four hours of being over there. It doesn't seem like Mario is going to stop anytime soon...

I'm outside the showgrounds with my kids. They wanted to play outside so I took them here so we can play. They kids wanted to play hide and seek and I'm the seeker.

"Kids~ where are you~ I'm going to find you one way or another~"

(Unknowingly, that kids are on the roof of SMG4's castle. Five doesn't know that though.)

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