Finally playing gmod

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So.... Uh. Today Three invited me to play Gmod with him for a stream. So when set myself up next to him, since I brought my laptop, I joined to see his shrine for Eggdog.

"Pfft- What the f—k Three?! What?! Do you have a shrine for me too?!?" I fall out of my chair laughing.

Unknowingly Three blocked a wall that goes to another shrine. Mario wanted to join us but Three told him off.

"I'm streaming! Go away!" He pushes Mario away and continues to play.

I get back on my chair just to see  Mario placing a nuke in the shrine and blows us up causing us to die.

Three sighs. "Fiiiine, we'll play a few games."

Mario is instantly happy and I smile happyily.

Death run

On the screen it says death run and Mario is singing and dancing while Three just looks upset and I'm just sitting here looking pretty- I mean handsome~.

"Alright Mario, welcome to my..epic fun time game! Don't worry, it's super safe! Super simple. Ignore the lava and the fireballs..." Three explains.

I am with Three at the barrier. "Three, this specifically called 'Death run' for a reason. Your suppose to die multiple times if you suck at this."

"Mario does not suck! He will prove it!" Mario then makes an attempt over the first part.

"It would be a same if..." he presses a button causing the platform to disappear and having Mario fall in the lava. "...if you fell! Oh no!" Three says sarcastically.

"Told you."

"Ooooohhh! YOU PEICES OF SHIT!" When Mario revived he tried to shoot us. Three hides behind his desk and drags me down with him. 


"Woah woah woah! Mario! C'mon man! Violence is never the answer!"

I look over to him with annoyance. "You're a hypocrite you know that."

"Shush. I wasn't done. ...unless it needs to be." He says darkly.

"There it is!" I joke.

Mario is now focused on his games because his eyes are popping out of its sockets. Three just looks confused ? I don't know. I'm just enjoying the show.

"What? I can't make them fall again!"

Mario looks over to me. "Yea he's telling the truth."

Mario still doesn't believe me.

Three groans. "Look. I'm moving away from it." He grabs me and pulls me back too.

Mario makes it over and he celebrates.

"Good job Mario!" I thumbs up as I walk back to my computer. Three walks back too. Mario then says that this level is too easy. Though that's a lie. He's too confident.

"This next one's very simple. All you have to do is get across the pipes."

"Something's 'bout to pop outta there."

Mario thumbs up and just ran over it while screaming. It left me and Three surprised but Mario dies due to spikes.

I start to laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA oh my gosh! That was funny!" I calmed down a bit, ending my laugh with a few chuckles.

"Wow" Three is now wearing glasses and has popcorn. I eat some of his popcorn and he doesn't seem to mind me taking some.

There is then a montage of Mario dieing over and over again.

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