The infestation...

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Today, You, Four, Bob, and Boopkins decides to make cheesecake. Your using your own recipe, stirring the batter for the cheesecake. Four dumps a lot of cheese in a bowl, Boopkins cracks an egg, and Bob uses a hammer- a mallet- to shift the flour.

Boopkins reads the recipe he has, "12 eggs..." he cracks an egg, "one..." he cracks another, "two.." and another, "Three..." but before Boopkins could crack another, Bob shoves him aside, dumping random eggs while counting the rest.

"Bob no!" You shout, putting your bowl down.

"Bob stop! You got to follow the recipe!" Four also tries to stop him.

"Oh relax, I am a master at baking!" Bob then jumps up in the air, making a fist and smash down on the bowl full of eggs, causing everyone to get shoved into a wall.

You grimace, you could feel the egg yolk everywhere on you. In your hair, your clothes, your hat... "ewww....gross." You shake your hand, "are you okay hon?"

Four gets up, "yeah..I'm-" he stops talking as he hears chewing noises.


You both look down and see...a rat.. " that a..."

Four yells, "OH SHIT!"

Bob gets angry, taking a boot out, being the boot, and stomps on the rat multiple times, surprising Boopkins and Four. just watch in horror, yes you hate rats but...maybe..maybe don't squish it..?

"Holy fuck Bob..." you mutter once he was done.

"Uh...Bob, don't you think that was over kill?" Four asks.

"No! I hated rats ever since the dark ages.." Bob then has a flash back of when rats literally attacked him, Bob was playing a flute at that time.

"Uhm..." You get interrupted by Boopkins yelling, but then shuts up once he smells the cheesecake.

"Ohhh~ one of the cheesecake are done!" He goes over to the oven.

"Uh..don't you mean the bottom of it? Cause you're supposed to-" you get interrupted (again) but Bookpins screaming because rats came out of the oven and are attacking him.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You shout.

Bob acted, stomping on the rats again...with boopkins underneath...

"What is happening?!" You say to Four, Four shrugs his shoulders as Bob goes on about how the rats are here because of our sins.

"Uh..." Four shuts up again, because rats started to appear fucking EVERYWHERE! The pots, the cabinets, the refrigerator- everywhere. You scream, jumping into Four's arms as rats gather around you too.


"I DONT KNOW! I HATE THIS!" You shout as you can feel the little rat's feet on you. You felt so weirded out.

Boopkins got out from underneath of Bob, "We have to get out of here!"

"No! We will stay here and fight!" Bob changes his swords to guns, and starts to shoot shoots at the rats.

"THERE...THERE TOO MANY!" Four says, with rats around you and him.

"Guys!" Boopkins shouts, you both look over and see him at the door, "over here!"

Four runs over to him, holding you tightly.

"No! I will not run away like a-" Bob gets cut off by you grabbing him, pulling him into the main entrance. The kitchen door slams closed.

"What..what the fuck...why..why are these rats here..?" You say, terrified.

Bob goes over to the middle, kneeling down. He starts to spew something about the rats, coming after us for all the sins we did.

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now