A very safe and legal SMG4 show!

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We are at the Showgrounds, everyone is playing Spin the Bottle. Melony spins, and it lands on Three.

Three didn't like that. "Ah, crap."

A tiny Engineer comes out. "You are ugly!" He retreats back into the bottle.

I'm going to smash this damn bottle with him inside.

"Well, this frickin' sucks." Three crosses his arms.

Mario is bored of this game. "SMG4... Where's your TV!? Can't we play video games or something?"

"Yeah! When you said "come and hang out", I didn't know we'd be literally playing in the dirt. I thought we were going to Five's house, not here." Three points at me. My cheeks reddens a bit because of the sudden spotlight on me.

Four try's to cheer them up. "Aww, come on, guys. It's not about having a TV or furniture or... or even fundamental living materials... It's about spending time with your friends!"

"Why not buy some with my money?" I ask tilting me head.

"Uh...! We are going to use your money to build the castle not furniture." Four explains, cheeks getting red.

"Oooohhhh! That makes sense!" I smile.

A second pass.

Bob gets up and leaves. "Who wants to go to my place?"

"Oh, thank God!" Three also leaves.

"Mario thought you'd never ask!" Mario also leaves, Luigi and Melony following suit.

I stay with Four,even though watching Three leave, hurts my heart.

Four try's to stop them. "Aw, c'mon! Who wants to, uhhh... Read... this book on conjunctivitis with me?" The bottle is thrown at him but I caught it with my hand. Four mutters a thanks. I throw the bottle away from us.

Meggy walks up to Four. "SMG4... When were we going to get that new castle you were talking about?"

"I... well like I said we will get it with Five's money but for now I need to think of the design and detail of the castle."

Meggy hums. "Well why don't we help you raise some money!"

Everyone agrees, except for Bob. "Goddammit..." I point my gun at him. He raises his hands and follows everyone.


We set up a lemonade (Or "Lemonaids", as it is spelled, no doubt Mario's doing) stand, but no one has shown up. A tumbleweed, which is totally not being dragged by a mouse curser, rolls on by.

"Ugh..." Four sighs

"Does this place even get any foot traffic?"

"No, this place is an abandoned show ground what the f—k do you expect?" I sass.

Tari try's to cheer everyone's mood. "I'm sure someone will come... any second now."

Many hours later...

Nope. Nobody still hasn't shown up.

"I f—king told you guys! We should have set this up in the city or something."

Boopkins suddenly notices Depresso rummaging through a trash can.

Boopkins points at him. "THERE'S SOMEONE!"


Bob and SMG3 tackle him as he screams.

"Hurry and make the sale, Mario!" Three shouts.

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now