All I want for Christmas is for Mario to freakin' behave!

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A mini short before we start this chapter~

Cloud: playing Christmas music

Storm: walks in his room Why are you playing Christmas music in November?


He throws an axe at Storm as he slams the door shut to block the hurling axe.

  Storm is SMG3. Cloud is SMG4. Me and my sister made different version of  SMG4 and SMG3. Storm's personality is like OG SMG4 and Cloud's personality is like OG SMG3.  They both treat each other like brothers. So it's kinda of like if SMG3 and SMG4 roles switched. The crew just act differently than in the OG universe. I'll talk more about it later. 

And now back to the chapter!

    It's Christmas... WHAT THE- I guess time works differently here... I swear I remember it being the beginning of November but now it's Christmas?! I don't really mind though, it did bother me but I gave up... I mean I love Christmas I just didn't one wanted to spend time on Christmas with me...not even my friends or brother... also! Why the hell did no one else get dressed up for Christmas?! My outfit is more green and red. I even changed my hat to a Santa hat. Plus I discovered my hat changes depending on my surroundings. Like Christmas. I'm surprised not many others changed there outfit or at least put on a Christmas hat. 

  Almost everyone are sat at a dining room table. I don't know if someone did this on purpose but my assigned seat (yes there's assigned seats for some reason) are right between four and three. Right now One and two were staring at my soul while four and three kept looking back between us.

"So...your SMG5 I've heard so much about?" One ask.

"Yep! That's me! Wait. How the hell did you heard about me? I'm not that popular."

"Oh! We heard about you from four and three!" Two smiles.

I look back between four and three. They both just looked the other way, cheeks dusted with pink. I look back at them.

"Well I hope whatever they said is all the good things." I smiled. Why am I so intimidated by these guys?

"Don't worry they were ALL good things. So SMG4 and SMG3, have you too been practicing like we told you to?." SMG2 asks.

"Uhhhh...No." the both said at the same time.

"Okay! So check this out!" Smg2 pulls out a...salt shaker?

"Uh... it's a salt shaker?" SMG4 says.

"No it's our latest in meme research technology." SMG1 explains, "It's a cure for cringe!"

"We'll show you! SMG4 do something cringe!" SMG2 shouts at SMG4.

"Uh..." he panic for a minute and then did a cringy meme. 

One and two look at each other and back at SMG4. 

"What?" He ask. Two then shakes salt on his face and he starts to burn. 


"OH MY GOODNESS! IS THAT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN?!" I shout, crouching down to the screaming, flaming meme guardian.

"Yes it is! That's how you know it's working!" Two says happily. 

The screaming and fire stopped. Four stands up, I helped him, he then looks up....he has glasses on now... with a small creepy smile and his eyes aren't the same..

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now