School is boring but killing isn't! Also HOME!

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So when I arrived at school, not being late this time, I couldn't find Meggy... did Four and Three already got to her? I would have to guess so since there's two yanderes instead of one so it would be easier to kill your opponent. I frown a bit. Even if Meggy in this world is rude, it's just her personality. I sigh. Hopefully I can leave soon...

Before classes start, I decided to join the cooking club. (It was a fucking tie. Well when I type this out.) Melony was really happy and after morning class showed me her cooking skills. She made little hotdogs into squids. I awed at that.

"Aww~! Adorable!"

Melony giggles. "Glad you think so Senpai! I'm gonna go give these to other students! I'll see you later, Senpai!" She grab the plate and leaves. I look back at the knife.

Should I intervene? She didn't wear any gloves...I'm wait I am wearing gloves. I shouldn't...

I sighed. "Sorry Melony...I can't stop it from happening. It's better to be in there then dead somewhere..." I leave with a frown and go to the fountain.


I made my own bento at home and brought it. I left it on my desk. So I went to pick it back up. I see my bento and grab it. ...I give it a sniff.

"The hell? Is there something in this?" I open my bento. Everything looks normal but...there's a hint of something in it.

"Hmm... smells like...medicine? Not good medicine though... who the..." I groan. "Now I won't have lunch..." I frown some more. Why would they do this to meeeee......

I throw away my bento as I past the trash can and go to the vending machine and grab some chips and a drink. I go up to the rooftop and sat down on a nearby bench. I grumble as I open the bag and ate some chips.

"Jeez these chips really make you thirsty. Luckily I bought a water bottle." I open it and drank the whole thing in one gulp.

"Ah...damn it.." I crush the bottle and put it beside me. I hear someone walking up to me. I look up and see Saiko coming my way.

"Hey Saiko! What brings you here?"

"I was wondering... do you have a crush one anybody? I'm only asking because Melony was too scared to ask." She said pointing behind her. I look and see Melony lockers(?). Once she saw me looking she blushes and ducks behind again.

Ah...fuck...she's dead..

I blush a bit. "Ah...well I do... but I don't know if they like me back.." I said nervously.

Saiko seemed surprised. "Oh? You do? Well that all I wanted to tell you. See ya later, Senpai." She waves and leaves towards Melony.

I look around. "If anyone is around me...Hi. I can sense your there and watching me. Not just one...two of you."

Four and Three flinches. How did he know they were there and watching them? Is their senpai that good at looking around his surroundings? Amazing~


After school I go to the club meeting. Basically we all learned to cook something different and what to serve tomorrow. I suggested cookies and everyone thought it was a good idea. So we all decided to serve chocolate chip cookie tomorrow and with that said we all went home. Not after finding the people were there and stopped us for questioning. It turns out that someone, Saiko, has been killed and Melony has done it.

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