Three's browser history.

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I'm in Four's office/bedroom with Three, who is on the computer searching whatever. I'm looking more throughly in Four's room.

Don't judge me! I didn't really get a go look around when we were decorating. Right now I'm at the chest looking through it.

A lot of random stuff...but I do like the plushie version of Four and Three! I pick them up and smile at them. I honestly want to steal this from Four...can never have to many plushies? Am I right?

Just as I was about to put the plushies in my hat Mario crashes through the door. It made me jump, dropping the plushies in the chest and frantically shut the chest. Though...I accidentally slammed my fingers and caused me to silently scream while standing up.

Mario dust himself off before looking at me and Three. Three is smiling nervously while I'm trying to be chill because my heart is beating fast. He tries to see what he's looking at while SMG3 looks at him with a nervous look.

"Mario! What brings you in here?" Three ask anxiously.

Four walks in, "SMG3...Five? What are you doing in my office?"

"Oh... Uhh... NOTHING! Was just uhm... TRYING TO STEAL YOUR VIDEOS!" Three chuckles nervously, "Yeah! That's something I used to do!"

"I was..uh...hanging out with Three.." I said walking up to Three.

Four doesn't think much of it...well...actually he's a bit jealous of Three but don't think much else, "Well... anyway!" Four pushes Three off the chair, "Mario you've got to see this! It's the funniest meme I've ever seen!"

I gestured Three to the door and he nods. We both start walking out.

Mario looks over to the screen to see the memes, but nothing is there, and Four freezes.

"SMG4... Where's the memios?"

Four was about to say the website but sighs, "Crap... I don't remember the website. Uh... Lemme just search my history!"

Three overhears this and looks over to see Four about to click the browser history. He tries to think quickly while panicking.

"Three?" I ask worried.

"I can't let him see what I searched! My life will be ruined!" He whispered/shout to me.

"I'll help you!" I smile confidently, doing a thumbs up. He smiles at me compassionately and whispered a thanks.

Three got in character. "AHH!!! A SPIDER!"

"WHAT?! WHERE?!" I scream as well.

Three grabs Beeg and uses it to 'kill the spider.' Four's monitor starts coughing, and I pull a Thomas Thermonuclear Bomb card out of my hat and slapped it on the monitor, which causes an explosion. The monitor falls into broken pieces, but Three pours gasoline on it, grabs a lighter from me cause I was holding one out to him and sets it on fire. He sighs of relief, while Four and Mario are shocked about this.


"It was uhh... It was a spider!"

"What Three said! You know I'm scared of spiders!

Mario peeks out from behind Four, "Did you kill it?"

"I hope we f—king did." I mutter.

Four rolls his eyes, "Ugh, I'll get my laptop! My history is saved to my account! So I should just be able to login and view it!"

Me and Three gasps and gets in front of them.

"Wait! SMG4, I've got something to tell you!" Three shout, holding out his hands.

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now