Staying home for the day

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   I didn't want to do the next video. The 'SMG4: We don't talk about Luigi' video to be more specific. So this is a filler for that video.

    I am in my room at my desk working on a video I made with Mario. Ya know the last chapter with me and Mario making a cake.(NO FOURTH WALL BREAKING!) Shut up writer. I'm editing it right now. Mario did try to invite me with him back to the castle but I declined. I wanted to get this done so I can relax for a while. All these adventures get tiring. How the hell did SMG4 handle him and his craziness, I don't know. I wrote in my journal a bit this morning.

Dear Journal,

   Yes I know it's morning but I wanted to write sooner because my memory sucks and I can't seem to remember a lot... probably because I ain't sleeping right... I keep waking up in the middle of the night for no reason and then I can't go back to sleep. So Me and Mario made cakes yesterday as I told you but I injured my hand when taking out the cake and the narrator for some reason but a metal collar on me and chained me to a wall. While struggling out of it I hurt myself in the process.

   My hands still hurts from the burns but they're not so bad now as it was yesterday but still... hurts. My throat also hurts...when I talk for too long it starts to get sore and then I can't talk for a while so I try not to talk much. Thankfully only the trio (SMG4, SMG3 and Mario) saw them and not anyone else. Hopefully Mario didn't tell anyone else about my injuries.

I stopped there. I will continue it tonight. I was going back to editing the video but then interrupted by Eggcat who meowed.

   Eggcat meows again beside me, wanting my attention. I look over at them. "Yes eggcat? If you're wondering when I will be done don't worry. I only have just a little bit more."

 Eggcat glares. "Okay so yes, I said that last time but this time is true." Eggcat didn't seem to believe me. 

"Okay fine! I'll get off." I turn off my computer.

 "Happy?" Eggcat seemed happy. 

"Well what did you want my attention for then?" Eggcat walks away from me and stopped at the door frame and meowed. "Ya want me to follow you? Okay?" I get up and follow my eggcat.

    We are outside and I see mini me too, next to him a three buckets I look inside and see there are water balloons in there.

 "You want a water balloon fight?" They both nod their head. I smirk evilly and grab a bucket and reached in and grabbed a balloon.

 "Better grab your bucket and run guys! I'm giving you 10 second head start." I start to count as they both grab their bucket and ran in opposite direction.

 "READY OR NOT IM COMIN' AFTER YA!" I shout and start to run where mini me went to. I slow down and start to look around, high on alert. I hear a rustle and stop. I aim my balloon at where the rustling was. I hear it again and throw my balloon at it. "HAHA! I GOT YOU- oh your not mini me..well that's embarrassing..." my cheeks heat up a bit.Throat starting to hurt...

  In the bushes was SMG3, holding eggdog. "Yea. Not" he monotoned. 

He then gets upset. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!?" He yells. 

   I flinch a bit. "Uh..well eggcat and mini me wanted to play a water balloon fight and I agreed. I told them to run off and I thought you were mini me. Sorry I made ya wet.."I explain, scratching my cheek with my pointer finger. I winced. God damn it... not now throat!

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