VINES or short stories...

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Cloud: Toss me my keys!

A Christmas tree was thrown at him. He dodged it.

Cloud: I said my keys!

Luigi: I thought you said Christmas tree!

Cloud: Why the F—K would I say 'Christmas tree'!?


Mario: She says she shower with Pantene!

Next you see Mario in a bathtub with Cloud and Storm. They are all wearing their clothes. Except Mario is shirtless.

Mario: but I got watermelon to keep me clean!


Storm, SMG4 and SMG3 are in Storm's room talking.

Storm: Ugh Cloud is so annoying.

Just then Cloud appears outside from the window.

Cloud: I heard you are talking sh¡t about me?



Storm: I love watching the waves.

Cloud looks at Storm.

Cloud: I'm in love with you Storm~

Storm looks at Cloud, scared and surprised.

Storm: AHHHHH-


Cloud: Isn't spiral stair case just stairs on top of stairs?

SMG3 thinks about this all the way into night time.

It's 2am and you see him in his bed still thinking about what Cloud said.



Cloud is in the kitchen looking at the ground as he is sad about something. Storm comes in the kitchen and sees this. He pulls out chocolate chips from his hat and pour some on his hand. He walks up to a cloud and shoves his hands to his mouth.

Storm: Eat the chocolate.

Cloud: No I'm not in the mo-

Storm: E A T T H E C H O C O L A T E

Cloud eats the chocolate chips from his hand.

Storm: Do you feel better now?

Cloud nods his head sadly.

Storm: Good!

Storm then hugs Cloud to comfort him.

SMG4: Dude what are you doing up?! It's 3am! Your going to hate yourself in the morning! 

SMG5 is in a curled in a blanket on his bed with his laptop, working. You can see dark eye bags under his eyes

SMG5: Jokes on you I'm going to hate myself regardless!


Cloud: SMG3!!!

Three: Yea?

No response.

Three: Yea!?

No response.

Three: YEA!!!!!!!!!?????

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now