The Game Cube

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I don't know what happen but... when I woke up and looked around I see that I'm not comfort room. Where am I? Or should I say 'we' since I see Mario and Four with me.

"Hey guys! Wake up!" I shout. I feel my head on damn hat...WHO THE F—K TOOK MY HAT?!

Mario and Four both wake up.

"What the... Mario, Five??"

"DID WE SLEEP TOGETHER!?!" Mario shouts.

"What the f—k no! Depending on what you mean by 'sleep together' it better not be that way."

Four deadpans at Mario accusing. "...Where the hell are we?"

"I don't exactly know..." I said looking around once more.

We somehow ended up inside a giant cube structure. Four is terrified of this.

"It seems to be a giant cube-shaped bathroom!" Mario proceeds to unzip his pants, but gets distracted by Four trying to find a way out of their cube dilemma.

"Don't you f—kin dare take your pants off!"

"Mario... THERE AREN'T ANY DOORS OUT OF HERE!!" Four begins to lose his mind.

"Now now, no need to panic! We'll get outta here in no time." I try to comfort him. It worked a bit.

"What? Nonsense!! I bet you just gotta push a secret panel!!!" Mario begins to feel around the walls for a way out.

"Any second now... Any... second..."


Mario comes back to us. "We're stuck."

"Great..." i cross my arms, annoyed.

Four screams. "Oh no, I'm gonna die trapped in a room with Mario...!" And my crush...wait that's not it?

Four gets an idea. "Wait a second!"

He pulls out his phone. "I have a phone! I'll call for help!!" His phone's screen glitches to show only a cube.

"What the...?" He presses on his screen so fast, his finger eventually broke through it.

"STUPID PIECE OF CRAP ISN'T WORKING!!" He throws his phone in frustration.

"Calm down! My goodness!"

Mario gets an idea. "Don't worry, SMG4. I've got an idea!" He takes his hat off to pull out a carrier pigeon. "Mario will send a carrier pigeon for help!"

Four is stunned at the fact Mario had a pigeon in his hat. "You... You carry a bird in your hat? What are you?! Copying Five?!"

Mario smiles. "Yeah, just for moments like this! Come on, Frank! Go get help!" He tosses Frank into the air... Who falls to the ground, dead.

"Well that failed." I deadpan at the bird.

"WE'RE DOOMED!!" Four shouts as he pounds the ground.

"WE AREN'T! Jeez! Your acting like the lights are gonna turn off at any second!"

The spaces in the middle lights up, the lights turn off.

"F—k I jinxed it..."



Game 1 Of 4
Easy Mode

The lights turn back on. Four is holding on to me for dear life. Mario is off to my left, crying.

"What the hell just happen? Did anyone else heard that voice?"

Four let's go of me and coughs. "Uh yea...Game 1 of 4? What does that mean...?" His cheeks dusted with pink.

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now