It's gotta be perfect... Pt.1

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Third pov~

SMG4 walks into his room carrying a truckload of drinks and snacks.

"Alright, I'm restocked and ready! This is MY year, and I'm going to make THE BEST. VIDEO. EVER!"

SMG4 gulps down his drink and begins to work at a rapid fire pace.

Several days later...

"OK! Let's play that back!"

The video consist of Kermit the Frog fighting Jesus Christ until Kermit blows up. The End.

"Hmm.. Mmhmm... Mmhmm." A realization hits him. "NO!" SMG4 throws his monitor back, which explodes. "How am I gonna make the best video ever and impress him with this MEDIOCRE CLIP!?"

He hears a pounding at his door.

Maerio is heard through the door, muffled. "HELLOOOOOOO!" The door vanishes.

"Y-Yes?" SMG4 ask nervous while looking around.


"And we were wondering if you want to come along?" SMG5 ask with a smile.

"Oh, uh, was that today? Uh... I'm sorry, Mario. I can't come today. I'm in the middle of making a special video." He gestures to his computer.

"What!? But you're always making videos! That's never stopped you!"

"Yea what Mario said. Even when I have something planned I always postpone it for Mario and everyone." SMG5 says, disappointed.

"Not this one... This one's going to be different... K BYEEEEEEE!" He goes back to resume working on his special video, but not before planting a sapling and watering it, making a new door grow in place. He looks back at the door. He's disappointed with himself for not going with them..or him I should say. He sighs.

"OK, let's try again." SMG4 begain to type in a rapid pace.

More days later...

He has now made a music remix featuring Kermit. After all that, SMG4 now has bloodshot eyes. He slams his keyboard in frustration and pulls out a new one.

"THIS IS NO GOOD! I NEED IT PERFECT!" More typing. "It's gotta be perfect, it's gotta be perfect, it's gotta be perfect...for him..."

"OI!!" Mario crashes his head through the door, but SMG4 doesn't answer back. "S-M-G-FOOOOOOOOOUR!"

SMG4 got startled and turns around fast looking around and sees Mario at the door. "Huh? What?"

"Hiya! Celebrate MAR10 day with me next week!"

An irate SMG4 throws a chair at Mario, who ducks back.

Much, much, much later...

Having now lost his sanity, SMG4 throws his keyboard onto a pile of other keyboards, pulls out a new one, and begins to search Google to find some funny. He even attempts a ritual.

"Why isn't it perfect...?! Why isn't it perfect...?! Why isn't it perfect...?!"

He repeatedly slams his head onto the desk.

"Why isn't it perfect...?! Why isn't it perfect...?!"

SMG5, Meggy, Bob, and Mario have attempted to talk with him, only for him to turn them down, eventually barricading his room with multiple doors.


It's now March 10th. MAR10 Day. As everyone is celebrating, SMG4 is stilled holed up in his room. He spent so much time on his video that he started growing a beard and his eyes are more bloodshot than before.

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now