Mario steals the..THE WHAT?!

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I'm in the living with Eggcat and Mini me. We planned today to have fun at the park. I have already packed the picnic basket and eggcat and mini me are gathering toys to play with over there. Just then a hear a knock on the door. I walk up to it and open it. There I see Mario.

"Your invited to Mar10 day!"

"Aww! Thanks! I will definitely be coming hold on let me put it on my calendar." I pull out my calendar from my hat and wrote it down.

"Yay! Also can you help me with something?"

"Uh...wait one moment please?" I head back inside.

" me.. looks like we are going to have to postpone this for another day... Mario needs my help with something and I want to help...I'm sorry we can't spend the day together..." I close my eyes and frown. I'm sad and I feel like I failed my kids. I feel weight on my legs and I look and see eggcat and mini me hugging me. Eggcat meows and mini me 'blep'

I smiles and wipe the tear that were forming in my eyes. "Thank you two for being so understanding.." I crouch down and hug them. "How about I send you to SMG3 and see if he would babysit you guys." I hand mini me an envelope. "In here is a paper and money make sure you give this to him okay?" He nods.

"I will do whatever you tell me to do for an entire week, is that a good deal?" They both nod. "Alrighty I will see you kids later." I teleport them to SMG3.

I head back to Mario who is spinning. "Sorry for the hold up. Anyways I would love to help you!"

"YIPPPPEEEE!" He grabs me and runs off with me in his hands. "We need to make one more stop!"


At Bowser's Castle, Bowser is exercising. Suddenly, the Wii Fit Trainer starts acting likes she's possessed, creeping Bowser out. Her head then transforms into Mario's making Bowser scream. Mario crawls out of the TV, reverts back to his normal self, and kicks away the Trainer's corpse.

"Hey, Bowser!"

I burst through the window and stick the landing. "You could have entered in a more cooler way, ya know?"

"I wanted to be-a scary!"

"Meh." I shrug my shoulders.

Bowser sighs in relief. "Oh. Hey, Mario. Hey, SMG5. Ready for the upcoming MAR10 Day?"

"Yeah, but everyone's gonna be working except SMG5. So, I'm stealing the Constitution to make it a holiday! Wanna join me?"

Bowser hesitates. "Oh... I don't know. I gotta look after the kids and all..."

Mario whispers in his ear. "We can also write in a National Chicken Nugget Day."

That finally convinces Bowser. "You son of a b****! I'm in! But wait. How are we gonna get in?"

Mario grins. "I know a guy who can help." He pulls out his phone.

"Who?" I ask.


At the Capitol Building, a Luigi's Flower Shop truck pulls up to a gate. Swag is the guard.

"Hello! I'm here to make a flower delivery!"

Swag very carefully inspects a nervous Luigi. "Ye ok. This doesn't seem suspicious

The gate raises up and the truck enters. Luigi stops and opens the back door, only for Me, Mario and Bowser to run out.

"THANKS FOR LETTING US HIDE IN YOUR VAN, LUIGI!" He and Bowser run up the Capitol steps.

"SORRY LUIGI!" I shout as I run.

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now