Its gotta be perfect... Pt. 2

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With Meggy and Mario~ (very short)

"SMG5! NO!!" Mario runs to the hat. He picks it up. He looks at the hat sadly...

Meggy walks up to him. "Don't worry...we will find them... let's go find SMG4!"

Mario nods and put SMG5's hat in his pocket and they both run to the stairs.

Where they both have to face Beeg SMG4.


With you~

Ugh...where am I?

I sit up. I look around in the dark. I reach up- wait- "MY HAT!! Oh no oh no! My hat must have been left behind..." I get up from the ground.

I began to walk around the darkness. Wish I have a flashlight... I can see something's... I put one of my hands in front of my eyes. A glow...MY EYES GLOW IN THE DARK?! SO COOL! Anyways...

After walking for what felt like eternity I see a computer. I walk towards it. On the screen it says:

Do you wish to remain here for all eternity or do you wish to go back to the real world?

Stay here. Or. Leave.


 "No...I..don't believe this..." I think about my past in the real world

No one really wanted to be my friends...the friend I had only stayed around because of my money...

Even my job family only wanted one child...not me..

I think about the time I had here.

SMG4 was the first to meet me..and he didn't hate me...

Even after I met everyone...they still hang out with me

They all care about me...

I even...have a crush on two idols...SMG4 and SMG3...

I can't leave them...i-...they will be heart broken...

I made my decision... I can't leave this place while this is happening! I will never leave them!

I grab the mouse.

Do you wish to remain here for all eternity or do you wish to go back to the real world?

>Stay here. Or. Back home.

You chose to stay here?

In this weird world? 


How interesting...

You may go back to your friends...

A hole opened below me and sucked me through.


I land on the ground with a loud thud. I groaned.

"Oooooohh that hurt..." I look up and see Meggy, Mario, SMG4 at the computer not looking too good, and a monster with SMG3's head popping out.

"O-oh! H-hey guys! What's I miss?"

"SMG5!" The M&M duo runs at me quickly picks me up, dodging a hit from the monsters feet. Mario hugs me.


"I fell through a hole in the ground and it sucked me down- listen we can talk about this later right now let's save Three and Four,okay?"

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now