Mario goes to Ohio

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   I'm on my couch brushing eggcat's fur. The melatonin I had yesterday did work...but not much. I still woke up early in the morning, more specifically one in the morning. So what do I do? I work. I also had to come up with plans incase the 'IGBP' incident happens earlier than expected but that won't happen until after Mar10 video. So I plan a few but not many. Anyways. I was getting done with brushing Eggcat's fur went Mario bust my door open.

"JEEZ! what the hell?! My door!" I sit up and walk over to the crossed eye Mario. "Uh.. hey Mario? What cha need?"

"Mario and Tari are going to Texas want to come along?"

I think for a minute. I'm not feeling my best but... "Sure! I love to come. Do I need to pack anything?"

"No time!" He then grabs my shoulders and picks me up, taking us to the castle.


We arrive at the castle and we waited for the taxi. While waiting I start to get a headache. Surprise I didn't get it sooner with all the 'sleep' I get...

"YEAAAAAAH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI!" Mario shouts as the taxi has arrived.

Tari appear out of nowhere carrying luggage and a large duck. "OK, I wasn't too sure what to pack, so I-" She get cut off but Mario grapping her, knocking the luggage out of her hands.

"NO TIME, TARI! TEXAS IS WAITTIIIING!" He throws Tari into the taxi and tries to get in, but Tari stops him.

"Wait! What about SMG4?" She asks.

"Yea I don't really like leaving people out of something if they can come along. Let's go get him and see if he wants to come!" Mario reluctantly comes with me to goes to SMG4's room to get him.

Mario shakes the door. "HELLLLLOOO!"The door vanishes and SMG4 pops out.

"Y-Yes?" He ask somewhat nervous?


"And we were wondering if you want to come along?"

"Oh, uh, was that today? Uh... I'm sorry, Mario. I can't come today. I'm in the middle of making a special video." He says gesturing to his computer.

"What!? But you're always making videos! That's never stopped you!" Mario seems to be upset.

"Yea what Mario said. Even when I have something planned I always postpone it for Mario and everyone."

"Not this one... This one's going to be different... K BYEEEEEEE!" Four goes back to resume working on his special video, but not before planting a sapling and watering it, making a new door grow in place.

Mario's head turns into SMG4 head but with the glasses and the weird smile. "...NEERRRRD!!"

I punch his face. "Oh! Sorry! I just don't really like seeing Four with glasses on...they weird me out...especially with that stupid smile..."

"It's-a okay! I'm-a fine! Let's get back to the car!"

"Right." We both walk back down. However I look back at the closed door. I get another headache. F—king leave me alone you headache... ugh.. I hate these. Let's hope I don't throw up in the taxi. I rush downstairs, not wanting for Mario to leave me behind for being slow.


On the road, Mario is jamming to music, to Tari's amusement. I have one of my ear buds in my ear listening to my own music.

"You seem really excited for Texas, Mario!" Tati points out.


"DUDE! Not in my ear! Ow..." and my headache is back... thanks Mario...

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now