Going to a carnival!

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Since my sis is the only one that answered my last question this is the chapter.

I wake up and rub my face. Today's the day I get to pick where me and Three go! And I plan to go to a local carnival that appears every year. I went to change and get dress in a different wear. Since I wanted to look nice...for some reason... not to be flashy or fancy. I get dress in a grey shirt, wearing my favorite colored hoodie, some pants, my gloves, boots that I have been wearing since Three gave them to me for Christmas, and my hat with the skull pin.

I noticed that I forgot to take my pin from...WereFour and VampThree because the hat I worn had the pin on it. I panicked a bit but then I saw it on the hat I'm wearing thankfully. Anyways, I get downstairs and see the kids and Four watching t.v.

"Do you guys wait for me to make breakfast?" I ask, startling them.

Four holds his chest. "Jeez! Your so quiet when your walking down the stairs... but uh...yea.. I can't cook for sh!t so..." he seems to be guilty.

"Heh! Thought so!" I chuckle a bit and went into the kitchen.

I made some breakfast, scrambled eggs and bacon, and sat it on the table. "Come get yer breakfast!"

Four walks in holding mini me and Beeg in his arms while eggcat in on his head. I help him with the kids and we all sat down and ate.

"So what are you going to do today? Because the outfit you have on is a bit different. Going somewhere?" Four ask.

"Yea! Today me and Three are gonna go hangout with each other to a local carnival. I'm honestly excited!"

Four frowns. "Well...can I join?"

"Eh...sorry Four. But Three specifically asked if me and him and hangout, not with anyone else." I said, scratching my cheek with my pointer finger nervously.

Four frowns some more but then cheers up. "Alright, I guess I can stay here and look after the kids?"

"You sure you want to do that? I can hire a babysitter so you can have some free time?"

"PLEASE DO- I mean yea that's fine with me..." He tries to act chill and shoves a bunch of scrabble eggs in his mouth.

I laugh a bit and called a babysitter.


After the tell the babysitter what to do and said goodbye to Four I left to go to Threes house aka Starbucks. I then pause and groaned. "Forgot I could teleport." So I do just that.

I knock on Threes door and wait. The door opens a I see Three. "Heyo Three! Ya ready?"

"Yea hold on, I just need to find my hat." He lets me in and ventures off to find his hat. I look around the place. Still messy... ugh...

"Found it. By the way where are we going?" Three puts on his hat. I may or may not have told him where we are going.

I grin. "Not tellin'! Now hold my hand." I held my hand out.

Three grabs it with a light blush. I teleport us to-


"A carnival!" I shout, lifting my arms in the air.

"Huh. Not what I thought."

"What did you think I choose something boring or sexual? Jeez. No. I haven't been to one of these in forever! So! I thought this would be a good idea!"

Three hums. "Well let's go then."

"Hell yea!" I grab Threes wrist and drag him in.


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