The video ends when no one is watching it.

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I have been here for quite awhile, hanging out the SMG4 and the crew. I basically met everyone except SMG3, much to my dismay. SMG4 try to introduce me but SMG3 always said that he is busy. Even I watched his stream and it just shows him to doing a bunch of stuff that people have already done. Like ASMR. Anyhow.

I'm with Mario, who is going to play Shrek online's. The login screen appears. A person logs in to the game. After that, the screen shows various Shreks T-Posing, alongside item boxes on the right. Then, the Shrek-Mike Wazowski hybrid starts walking. Then, various comments and Mario appear afterwards next to me.

"Hey guys! I'm SMG5 and here is Mario." I said waving at the camera and then gesturing to Mario.

"Top of the morning to you ladies! Welcome! Today, Mario's gonna commit homicide!" He then proceeded to kill everyone on the screen. I laugh at this.

"Jeez Mario! Ya did commit homicide!" I said between laughs. I look at the chat and a bunch of people are mad at Mario for killing them in the game. Mario obviously laughs at there pain. I chuckled a bit. Then a crash bandicoot character appears and shoots the abomination of shrek. The death screen appears. U R Die

Mario is enraged at this. "WHO?! WHO DARES DEFY MARIO?!" I try to calm him down.

"It's okay Mario! No need the get so angry! Why don't we go and hang out with SMG4 for a while?"

Mario instantly cheered up and ran out the door leaving me behind. "HEY WAIT FOR ME!" I chase after Mario.

SMG4 and Mario are playing chess while I'm watching the endless stream that 3 is doing. SMG4 for plays a pawn and moves it up one. Mario plays a Sampton and it shoots the king.

"I won!" Mario raises his hands in the air. SMG4 is upset at this.

"You guys might wanna move." I warn.

SMG4 looks at me confused and so does Mario. "What do you mean-" just then SMG3 crashes in the castle, in a red car. 4 grabs me and pulls me with him out of the way. Unfortunately Mario gets run over.

SMG3 pops out from the car. "Guys! I'm stuck on an endless live stream! You gotta help me!" He says frantically. SMG4 stands up and helps me up.

"Hmmm... That's a tricky one."

"Yea it definitely is. The only way to stop an endless stream is-." I got caught off by Mario.

"Is getting your self cancelled!" SMG3 look down and sees Mario under the car and looks back up at me.

"Who the hell are you?" He says getting out of the car and pointing at me.

"This is the person I was trying to have to meet but kept declining my invite."

"I'm SMG5! It's nice to meet you SMG3!"

"How the hell do you know my name?!"

"I watched your stream when they were playing chess."

His scowl turned to confusion. "Wait you watched my stream?"

"Yea I did."

He looked didn't know what to say. "Uh..thanks? Anyways! How do I get my self cancelled?"

"Say a profanity or something. Twitch can be stubborn with swear words." SMG4 suggests.

3 looks at the camera and takes some air and then says, "ASS!"




Nothing happened. SMG4 and Mario weren't to happy, neither am I. "Well that did absolutely nothing." I monotoned.

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now