A dream?

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  I wake up. I look around and see that I'm not in my bed or in my house, I'm in a forest?

"Where the hell...how did I get here?" I get up from the ground and look up at the sky. It's night time, the moon is shining brightly tonight. I walk around in the forest wondering if I can find people or animals...it's too quiet. I walk around for a bit and I hear someone...two someone's. I move some bushes and I see...Four and Three? But it looks like their arguing right now... I look closer at the two...

Four seems to have a tail, ears, and claws. Three has more sharper teeth, and his ears are a bit more pointed.

What the? What happen to them?

I try to move away from them but I stepped on a branch which alerted them.


"Who's there! Show yourselve!" Three yells in my direction.

I sigh and walk out of the bush. "Calm down it's just me... don't worry I won't hurt ya."

"How do know that you won't, hunter..." Three says cautiously.

"First, I'm no hunter. Second-" I throw my hat to their feet. They both looked at it puzzled, "There. My hat is like an inventory for me. Now that it is on your side, I won't be able to use it."

Four picks my hat up  and sniffs it. "Hm... you have a nice scent!" His tail wags. A scent I haven't smelled in forever~

"Uh...thanks? So-Ah! Introduction! Ahem My name is SMG5 but you can call me Five for short!" I put my hand out for a hand shake.

"I'm SMG4 and this here is SMG3! You can call us Four and Three for short."

"Thanks! So...don't get me wrong here but...are you a werewolf and is he a vampire?"

They both look at me surprised. "Wait you can see under our disguises?!" Four questioned. It is him...

"Yea? So I am correct. Hm." Different world again... wait this is just a dream though...why does it feel so vivid then?

"Well enough chit chat. We got to get going, remember SMG4?"

Four seemed to be puzzled. "Huh? Oh! Yea sorry..."

"It's okay. Can I come with?"


"Yes!" Four cut Three off. Three glared at Four but Four ignored it and grabbed my hand.

Three rolled his eyes, "Ugh fine. But we are transporting him my way."

Before I could question what he means, he bit my neck and I pass out.


"Three, it's him!" Four carried Five in his arms.

"How are you for sure?"

"Didn't you smelled him when you bit him? He smells just like our Five!" His pupils have changed into hearts.

Three grumbles and sniffs Fives neck. He pulls back holding his nose. "It is him..." his pupils changed into hearts.

"Our love came back~" Both of them said at the same time. They continued down the path to their love's home.


I woke up sometime later. I sit up and rub my neck. What happen...? Why am I on a couch? I look around the house. It looks similar to mine...

Am I home? I get up from the couch and prepare breakfast for me and my kids to eat. Some sausage, bacon and pancakes sound good to eat. I look out the window.

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now