Mario goes fishing!

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  For the top pic: When your sibling eat the food that you were saving for a special occasion.


   I'm on a yacht with Meggy, Bob, Mario and Boopkins. They are all fishing while I'm just chilling on a lawn chair reading a book. Mario seem to be bored since the fishes aren't biting. Meggy however seems to be enjoying it.

"I'm so glad we're finally doing an outdoors activity together! Nice choice, Bob." Meggy comments.

Bod is singing the tune for wellderman and dancing. "ThErE oNcE wAs a BoB wHo WeNT tO sEa, CaUgHt SoMe FiSh aNd LaDiEs FoR fReE!"

"Say... SMG5? Why aren't you fishing with the rest of us?" Meggy turns around and ask me.




You see yourself but normal...ya know.. the real world. You're at a lake with some of your real life friends. You have a fishing pole in your hand and you cast it.

"Yo! Nice cast dude!" (REDACTED) said with a thumbs up.

"Thanks!" I reply.

I look over to my other two friends in the water. They have been together for about...5 months now. Honestly I'm jealous. Never found someone to love like that. Sure I had crushes before but...never really said anything to them or about them...

My fishing rod jerks.

"OH! I GOT A FISH!" I said trying to real it in. I got it and hold it up.

"Aw....." I frown. The fish swallowed the hook. I give it to (REACTED) so they can get it out of the fish's throat. After that I continue to fish. But fish after fish... they kept swallowing the hook..

"BAH!" I throw the fishing rod on the ground. "Screw this! They keep swallowing the damn hook!"

"Dude, you got to jerk the hook along ya know?"

"I know! But they keep eating it! I'm going to go read!"

"Fine, fine go read ya bookworm." (REACTED) tease.

I flip him off as I walk away from him.


"I don't like fishing... the fishes keep eating the hook and I didn't want to keep killing them. So I stoped."

"Oh...well if you want I can-"

"No." Immediately turning her down. "Thanks for the offer but I rather just read." Plus I'm tired...I just want to relax..

She seemed sad but never less pays attention to everyone else.

"THIS IS SOOO BOOORING! No fish are biting!" Mario complains.

"Relax, Mario. Fishing is all about patience." Bob looks in the water and a minute pass. "Okay, maybe patience and some dynamite."  (I'm not doing that...I'm just gonna make him have bold from now on.)

"Wait-what-?!" I shoot up and try to stop Bob but he throws it where Boopkins was. Near Boopkins is- was a fish. But now it's dead and on the boat. Bob looks to see what fish it is and gets upset.

"Dammit, I don't want this fish!"

"Then don't blow up fishes then bastard!" I shout at him.

"Shut up you gay."

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