Mario goes Bowling!

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    Me, Meggy, Mario and SMG4 are at a bowling place called 'Bowl Candle Pin' I am excited watch SMG4 play. Mario and Meggy on the other hand...they're bored.

"Welcome to Mario Bowling!" He says with a bright smile. "We're gonna have so much fun!"

Meggy, bored, speaks. "SMG4... why did you take us here?"

"Because I thought Id share my favorite sport with you! And plus SMG5 also likes to bowl too!" 

"Now I haven't done in it forever but I do like the adrenaline it gives me." I said matter-of-fact.

SMG4 proceeds on throwing the ball forward towards the pins, in which he gets a strike, with the screen showing a video of Garfield dancing, with the word "Strike" appearing in front of him while he keeps dancing. Seeing the video having an animation, Mario was finding it interesting

 Meggy looks surprised at that. "Wow, thats actually pretty impressive SMG4! I'm glad you have an active hobby."

Mario then appears out of nowhere and shouts, "MARIO WANTS A COOL BOWLING ANIMATION!"

Mario then proceeds to get a bowling ball and throws it, which after, the bowling ball crashed on the floor. An animation of Donkey, with a spinning image of yet another Donkey, with the word "BRUH" in front of the latter, then plays in the screen.

"Great! I knew you would come around."

Jeez what the hell?! 

"Here this is how you do it properly Mario.." I take a ball and throws it. The ball hits some pins."a hey! I got 7!"

"Good job SMG5!" 4 says, doing a thumb up. I return the thumb up.

"I want to try!" Meggy picks up a ball and plays it as baseball. "This seems easy enough!"

"Uh! No! That's not how-" I was caught off when Meggy throws it

The ball somehow misses all of them and immediately when to the side. 

"I- I'm not so sure how that got in there but...okay?"

"What?! Aw man!."

It was Mario's turn. He picks up a ball and try's to play. But he failed... because he was spinning too much and it cause him to launch into the tv screen.

"I'll pay for it..." I said showing my wallet.

"You don't have! I can pay for it!" SMG4 explained.

"I ain't taking no for an answer. Besides I'm going to go get nachos want anything?"

"No I'm good. Go ahead. I'll teach these guys how to play."

Just before I leave to go pay for the damage and nachos, I watch Meggy play.

   She picked up another ball and throws it like a basketball but she missed. She then puts a bowling ball inside her Splatoon gun and shoots it. Miss. Enraged, she just throws the bowling balls but none of them even touched the pins.

"Now this is just sad...." I whispered to SMG4.

"yes it is.." 

I now leave for nachos and paying the damage without SMG4 knowing.

I come back with nachos in my hand. "Nacho nacho nachos~ nacho nacho nachos! Hey guys I ba-" I interrupted myself. "What the hell did i miss?!" 

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now