Mar10 day!

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   It's the last day of when my kids can control me and it's the day of Mar10 day. So guess what my kids forced me to wear. A f—king dress.... AAAAHHH-

I'm standing in front of the mirror looking at the dress and heels they drove me to wear. My hat even changed into somewhat the same as the dress's design.

 My hat even changed into somewhat the same as the dress's design

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(Obviously you can change the design of the dress or what type. This is just what I imagine him in.)

"Do I really have to be in this dress...and heels...?"

Mini me threaten me with a knife.

"OKAY OKAY I WILL WEAR IT!!!!" I hold my hands in front of me.

Mini me put it away. Eggcat meows. "Yea your right... I should get going. You sure you two don't what to come?" They both nod.

"Hmm alright..." I walk and immediately fall down. "I hate the heels..."

I get up and try to teleport to the castle but it doesn't work and instead gives me a headache. "S-sh¡t..." i reach into my hat and take out a motorcycle. I get on and drive off.


I drive and skid to a stop. A large crowd of people line up in front of Peach's castle for the special event. I get off and...try to walk to the door. Unfortunately I fail at that and fall again. I brace for impact....nothing? I open my eyes and see Three. Three caught me before I could fall. My cheeks reddens. "A-ah! H-hey three! Thanks for the catch!"

He brings me up. "No problem." He look at my outfit. "Pff- what the hell are you wearing?!"

"I was forced to by my children's okay!?" I blush harder.

"Heheh! You look...r-ridiculous in that!" He laughs some more.

"Bah! Screw you!" I walk away from the laughing Three.

I almost fell again but Three catch my arm. "I don't think you got used to those yet. I'll help you."

"T-thanks.." we both head back to the door.

Saiko looks around. "Wow, he really managed to get everyone here."

Boopkins is excited. "Ooh, I wonder what's in store?!"

"Whatever it is... It better be good." Warrior rubs his hands together.

The doors open and Mario appears. "Welcome to MAR10 Day!"

Some random Dude decided to be rude. "What the hell is a MAR10 Day? It sounds like you just got the fact that March 10th conveniently abbreviates to "MAR10"-"  he gets shot by Mario.

Mario clears his throat. "Mario has set up a bunch of Mario-themed attractions for today! So without further ado... LET'S-A GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"


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