Different world!

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I'm reading a book in the Rv while Four drives and Mario can't stand still for 5 seconds in his seat. It annoys me greatly but I don't say anything...just to be nice.

Eventually Four had enough of it. "Mario, I know you're excited to go and watch the Mario Movie, but can you pipe down? I'm trying to drive here and Five is trying to read in peace."

Mario is hyperventilating. "BUT MARIO GETS TO WATCH A MOVIE ALL ABOUT HIM!!!"

SMG4 stops the RV and looks down the window. I also look outside because I'm curious.

"Well you're gonna be hyperventilating for a while."

Outside, there are gnomes cross making all kinds of noises.

"The 'ell?" I look at them confused. One of them try to throw dirt at me though I killed it with my knife. I glare at the other gnomes. "Try me...

"Looks like the gnomes are crossing"

"WHAT?!" Mario rage scream. "NO! MARIO IS SEEING THE MOVIE NOW!"

Mario starts BLJing hard as hell.

"The hell are you doin'?" I'm confused on what's he is doing.

SMG4 try's to stop him. "NO! MARIO STOP! The collision box is really bad back there!"

"The what box!?" I shout. I drop my knife and run towards him.

Mario continues BLJing and then breaks through the back window bringing me along with him.


I got split apart from Mario and fell on the ground.

"Ooohhh....that does not feel good...where am I?" I get up from the ground. I walk around a bit and see...peaches castle??

"What the...I though this got destroyed?" I enter in the castle cautiously. Never know what or who is in here and thankfully I did. At the top of the stairs is SMG3 and SMG4 but SMG3 is on a throne while SMG4 is not and is chained from the neck, his hands chained to his back. They have their now designed instead of old.

What the f—k...I got to save Four from whatever the hell this is. I summon a knife and teleport behind them. As I get closer I can see Three holding another item.

What is that? Is that...a YouTuber remote? I should get that away from Three... I dash towards the remote and grab it out of his hand and backfilpped to the front of them holding the remote in my hand. "Heyo! So..what's this remote do?"

SMG3 is enraged. "GIVE ME THAT BACK YOU BASTARD!" He runs up to me and try's to attack me. I dodge them with ease. I put the remote in my hat.

"Nah I rather not. Also your weak. I never would've thought that the mighty SMG3 would be weak... where's your power? Only in the remote?" I grin.

I kept dodging while he attacks. He got my hat and tried to get the remote but finds it not there. "WHERE IS THE REMOTE!" He screams as he throws it on the ground.

"Oh~ it's in there~!" I run over to SMG4 and grab  him. "Now is you excuse us~ we got to get going so bye bye!"  I run to the entrance with SMG4 screaming all the way.

"NO GIVE  HIM BACK!" SMG3 screamed and told his crew to go after us but I teleported us out of there.


I set SMG4 down gently and reach into my pocket. Ever since I gave Mario my hat I decided to bring an extra hat in case. Luckily I did. I reach in and pull out the remote and deleted the cabins on him. "There at go! I know what it feels like to be chained on the neck."

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now