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At night we see Five on his bed. The cover is over him half way, his hair is messy, not to mention the dried up blood on his arm and clothes.... Five's watch glows dimly before two figures appears in his room.

"Okay you got this Fashionista?" Someone says in a hush voice.

"Of course I do! I'm not called Fashionista for no reason!" The other whispers.

The so called 'Fashionista' starts to undress Five carefully, not wanting to cause pain or wake Five up.

The other one is getting supplies and others out of his bag. Bandages, syringe, antibiotics, and some pain relief cream. The other one is a doctor.

"Are you sure he isn't running a fever? He looks incredibly hot and sweaty..." the fashionista said in a disgust tone.

"Oh stop it! I'll check his temp once you put pants on him. Don't put the shirt on yet until I get his arm."

"I know I know."

Once the fashionista gets half way done he calls out for the doctor, "Dr. Five. Let's hurry this up. The longer we are here the longer I have to take a shower."

"Oh hush your tone Fashionista. Don't make me rush. Not all good things comes from rushing. You should know that, Fashion Five."

If you guess it earlier, congrats!, because these two are different version of Five.

Dr. Five starts to take care of the bite on Five's left upper arm. "Sheesh this kid had it for him. Lucky it ain't poisoned or anything. And no fever, he just gets hot under all that cover, as you can see for us? Even we don't like being under the cover that much." The Doctor puts healing cream on Five's forehead,where the bruise is.

Fashionista sighs. "I know...are you done yet?"

The doctor finishes wrapping Five's arm. "Yes now I am. Put a shirt on him and we're good to go back."

"Oh finally!" The fashionista put the shirt on Five carefully and lays him back down on the bed. "Your lucky you didn't bleed on your bed."

"Okay...let's go back. Five should recover quickly if he relaxes and don't go on any crazy adventures. But it's weird that...This Five doesn't heal faster. I think something went wrong with the transport and he's not telling us."

"Well like Spy said, the watch was disabled and disconnected. So there was no way to contact him even if we wanted too. But now that it is on we can contact him once again!"

"Hmmm...I need to blood sample...and a brain check..."

"For who? You or him?" The fashionista said with sass.

"Agh..whatever. I can do that later. I have more important things to do. Come on Fashionista. Let's get back to HQ and tell this to the boss."


They both touch Five's watch and they both disappear once more.

The room feels lighter now....


Words: 508

Don't worry I'm publishing another chapter. This is just a little thing I had in my head~

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