SMG4 kids

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So turns out it was a stomach bug but thankfully it passed in just two days. The crew, mainly Four and Three, were worried but I told them what it was and they were still worried bit but not much. After that Three has been asking what I ate or last ate at. I'm guessing he just worried about my health and care about me. It makes my heart warm just thinking about it.

Right now though, I'm in Four's bedroom/office with my kids. I decided to let them draw on some paper and crayons. Eggcat is drawing all of us while Mini me and drawing...violence...he's stabbing people with me behind him doing a thumbs up...holy... I don't know whether to be proud or scared.

I look over at EggDog, who is in a tank, being controlled by Three, barking happily. I look over at Four and I see him dressing Beeg up for a date. Either it's a play date or an actual date...he's too young.

Four smiles at Beeg, "Hey looking good! Now you are ready for your very first date Beeg SMG4!" Beeg is wearing a pink tu tu, glasses and a hat. I could dress him up better but meh.

Beeg frowns, "Uh!" Mad with the outfit, he's wearing, suddenly gets fired by Eggdog because of Three, Four jumps and looks over at Three.


Three laughs, "Eggdog has come to ruin your DATE!"

"Guys...could you not..?" I try to defuse the situation but no one heard me. I grumble.

Four gets upset, "Beeg SMG4! Attack him!"

Beeg however doesn't do anything, "Uh!" And lays back down.

Three grins, "Ha-ha! Looks like your stupid pet... is so much more inferior... Then my Eggdog!" Three hugs eggdog.


"Yea Five?" He looks at me.

I point over at Beeg, he looks at Beeg and sees that he has his sussy notebook, Three gets shocked. "MY SECRET NOTEBOOK! HOW'D YOU GET A HOLD OF THAT!?"

Four takes Three's sussy notebook, "HAHAHA! WELL DONE LIL BUDDY!" He walks off to read it, "I'VE BEEN WANTING TO SEE WHAT'S IN HERE FOREVER!" He walks out of them room.

"OI!!!" Three runs after Four, "GET BACK HERE!"

"GUYS NO-!" I chase after them, not wanting things to escalate worse.


The door slams close, Beeg, Mini V, Eggcat and Eggdog alone in the room together, music stops

Beeg starts to roll of the ground, crazily, "GET THIS SH-T OFF OF ME!!! AHHHHHHH!!" 

Mini V goes over to him, trying to help him take it off, "Calm down, crazy!"

Eggdog and Eggcat both look at each and grins. Eggdog goes to take a picture of Beeg. Mini V notices and taps Beeg's body and points at Eggdog and Eggcat, he notices and points a ray gun at Eggdog and Eggcat. Mini V is ready to slap the gun out of his hand if he shoots at Eggcat. Eggdog and Eggcat whimpers, eggdog moving the camera away.

It was silent for a minute until they all hear an ice cream jiggle. They quickly walk to the window. They all see Bob is the one selling ice cream. They all get shocked, Eggdog and Eggcat both get excited and runs up to the window but gets turned into an egg yolk. Eggdog whimpers a bit and cries on the floor. 

Eggcat went back next to Mini V, meowing sadly. "I wanted ice cream..."


Eggdog is using a toy hammer to break the window. "Any second now..."

Beeg facepalms, Mini V dead pans, and Eggcat is disappointed in Eggdog. Beeg moves Eggdog to a wall, takes a phone out and plays music for him. Eggdog starts to dance up and down to the music. So Beeg took this opportunity and used him as a drill to drill a hole out of the wall.

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now