Waking up...and spending time with SMG3!

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  I open my eyes slowly... Where... where am I?   I sit up. "I'm home?" Eggcat meows and mini me bleps of worriness.

"Sorry. Sorry! Heh, didn't mean to scare you two..." I sigh. "How long have I been asleep?"

Mini me Bleped.

"Only a day? Hm. So where is everyone?"

Mini me bleped twice.

"There...THERE IN MY HOUSE?!" I get up fast and run down stairs. There in my living room I see Four, Three, Mario and Meggy. "Then where is...?"

I hummed. I walk to the kitchen and start to make breakfast for everyone.


Several pancakes and bacon are done. The aroma hit everyone in the house. They are all confused until they realize.

I get startled when LITERALLY everyone runs into the kitchen. "Uh...you guys love bacon pancakes that much..?" I said with a nervous smile.

"What the hell are you doing up?" Three is the first to speak up.

"Uh..." I look at the multiple pancakes and bacon on plates,I look back at them, sweating of nervousness. "Making breakfast for everyone?"

"Your-a suppose to be in-a bed." Mario says while eating some pancakes with his hands.

"What? Why? Is this because I passed out?"

They all look at me surprised.


"Do..do you not care about your self, Five?" Meggy ask worried.

I stay silent as I flip pancakes.

"Five..." Three demands.

"Okay! I'll answer! So... I may not care about myself that much.. I feel like my life has no value if I don't sacrifice something... so I sacrifice myself."

Three face palms. "What the hell did I tell you! DONT DO THAT!"

"But...but I'm used to it... besides Four clearly cares a lot about the USB so I would do anything for him to have the USB..even it it means selling my soul to the Devil."

They all stop what they're doing and look at me horrified. Four looks in his pocket and takes out the USB looking at it sadly.

"...can you guys not... look at me like that..." still nervous...

"How can we not. Your not mentally good.." Four says, pocketing the USB again.

"You're one to talk! You've been locked in your room for who knows how long and you talk about my mental state?!" I said pointing at him.

Four grumbles. "Whatever... you need to go back to bed. Wait-" he looks at my eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"Good? I feel good." The realization hits me, "Wait...I feel good. I FEEL GOOD! HOLY HELL YESSSSSSS! I HAVN'T FELT THIS GREAT IN FOREVER WOOOOOOO!" I run around the house yelling.

They all chuckle at my childish behavior and ate breakfast.

I stop running, "Wait why do I feel this good?"

Mini me and Eggcat comes up to me a with a piece of paper. Mini me bleped.

"This was at the end of my journal?" I read the paper.

Instead of being cosmicly linked to Four and Three, and since your the strong one, when any Meme guardian(s) holds your hand their power is stronger or if need energy they take it from you. If the said Meme guardian(s) don't go to sleep themselves and need energy then they will take an amount of energy from you. So make sure you get some rest. If not then...well... you will go into a reset mode, where you will be asleep for who knows how long. You're lucky if it's a day. You're unlucky if it's years.

Another  one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now