Secrets Revealed

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Your POV

After Katsuki and I broke our hug, we joined the crowd that was forming near a big screen. It had the news on and was showing a live feed of the fight between All Might and All For One. Midoriya got a phone call from Todoroki, who had also come to save us. He said that both he and Momo were safe and blending in with the crowd.

"Our rescue totally worked," Midoriya said.

Katsuki gritted his teeth and yelled back, "A rescue?! That's not what happened back there. You idiots just happened to be our best escape route."

"You're welcome!" Kirishima replied with a thumbs up and a smile.

"We had to get out of there so All Might could destroy that guy," Katsuki continued.

I let out a tired sigh and leaned my head and Katsuki's shoulder. I was so tired from that move I had done with the villains' blood. I didn't even know I could do something like that. After healing myself and using my power to fight, on top of being tortured the last two days, I was totally drained.

"Hey, you okay?" Katsuki leaned down and asked softly.

"Yeah," I replied, my eyes drooping, "Just worn out from everything."

I watched the screen as All Might pinned down All For One. He had steam rising from his body, meaning he didn't have much time left. Suddenly, he raised his fist and slammed it back into All For One's face at the same time the villain was using his quirk. A massive shockwave blew All Might into the air and he was headed directly towards the news helicopter. Thankfully, Gran Torino jumped in and grabbed All Might, bringing him back down to the fight.

"The scene below is straight out of a nightmare," the reporter said, "Half of Camino Ward was demolished in a single, horrifying instant. All Might is currently fighting the villain who appears to have caused the blast. I can't believe it. How is one person so powerful? He's destroyed the city and is more than holding his own against the Symbol of Peace."

I lifted my head from Katsuki's shoulder and stared at the screen with worry. I glanced to my right and locked eyes with Midoriya. We both knew that All Might was struggling. He had clearly reached his limit already; he wouldn't be able to handle much more. I could see All For One charging up another attack, but All Might couldn't dodge because a civilian was in the rubble. He stood his ground to shield the woman from getting hit with the blast.

When the dust cleared, there stood All Might. Bruised, scraped, bleeding... but even more worrying, he was in his true form. His costume hung loosely around his body as he stood before All For One. My eyes teared up as a gasp escaped my lips.

"No!" I screamed, trying to push my way through the crowd. I had to get back and help All Might. He was going to die if he tried to keep fighting.

But before I could get very far, Katsuki wrapped his arms around my midsection and held me back. "What're you doing, dumbass?!"

"He'll get killed if someone doesn't help!" I yelled back, trying to break free from his grip. "Katsuki, please! Let me go!"

His grip only tightened as I kept struggling, "No way! You're gonna get yourself killed if you go back there!"

"I don't care! He needs help!"

"Well, I do! I'm not gonna let you get hurt anymore!"

I slowly stopped my struggling, turning in his arms and burying my face into his chest as I cried. I couldn't watch. Everyone knew All Might's secret.

I heard everyone mutter as they stared at the screen, Katsuki's arms tensing around me as he mumbled, "Beat this guy."

I glanced back at the screen and saw that All Might was frozen. Everyone in the crowd started cheering for All Might. They didn't care that he looked different. To them, he was still the same hero. I had to believe that he could win too. All Might wouldn't lose.

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