Oddly Enough, I Feel Fine

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Your POV

"Katsu, I'm fine. Really!" I insisted as we stood in the courtyard. We were under strict rules (especially Izuku and I) not to leave the dormitories. So, here we were in the courtyard, trying to figure out my new quirks. 

Katsuki, as much as I love him, was being a total pain. He had been trying to convince me to go back inside for the last 30 minutes, insisting I needed more rest. Well, I was done resting. I needed to start figuring these powers out before Shigaraki, All for One, or another League member comes after me. 

"Come on, show me that move one more time," I pleaded. He was trying to show me how to concentrate my blasts, but I just wasn't getting it. 

He stared at me for a minute, trying to wear down my resolve. But in the end, he just couldn't resist giving in to me. With a heavy sigh, he nodded and walked over to me. I smiled, content with my small victory over my boyfriend. 

H held up his hands, saying, "Okay. Hold up your right arm, but make sure it's not too stiff so it can handle the recoil. Then, push the heat out through the center of your palm instead of your whole hand."

I nodded, having heard this explanation a dozen times already. I held up my arm, trying to focus on pushing the heat from a small point on my hand while making sure it wasn't too stiff. But once again, I just couldn't do it. It felt like forcing a tsunami through a hole the size of a quarter. 

I sighed heavily with frustration, throwing my head back. "Damn," I cursed under my breath, "I just can't get it."

Katsuki, seeing my frustration, walked over to me with a small frown. "Don't give up. You've barely had this power for a month."

"I know," I replied, although slightly annoyed with myself, "But it's still so frustrating. I just... I don't have time to fail. I need to progress as quickly as possible. 

Katsuki looked at me for a moment, almost as if hesitating to do something. Eventually deciding to go ahead with whatever he was debating; he walked over to me and wrapped his left arm around my waist and pulled me flush against him. I blushed furiously, asking, "Katsuki... What are you doing?"

"Showing you how it works," he replied. Resting him chin on my shoulder he spoke softly, "Close your eyes." My eyes slowly fluttered shut as he continued to give me instructions. "Now, put your right hand on my right arm." I put my hand on his bicep as he raised his right arm. "Use your quirk to see my muscle movements and my quirk."

I nodded slightly, trying to focus on my quirk instead of our proximity. "Okay..." I watched his movements in my mind, as he slowly used his quirk. The muscles in his arm tensed as the heat compacted into a single point instead of flowing through it like I had been trying to do. I felt the heat go past his body and heard the explosion. 

But still, I remained there, in his arms with my eyes closed. "Understand now?" He asked quietly. 

"If I say yes, are you going to let me go?" I asked softly. I could sense his confusion as he nodded against me. "Then, no."

I could feel him tense momentarily before relaxing, pulling me even closer as he wrapped his other arm around me as well. I leaned into his chest, hands resting over his. "Can we just stay like this for a while?" I asked, barely more than a whisper.

"Give me one good blast and then sure," he replied. 

I scoffed playfully as I retorted, "You were the one telling me not to overexert myself and to take it easy."

"Yeah, well I think you can handle it," he replied, giving my waist a squeeze. 

"Fine," I rolled my eyes, although I couldn't help but smile. I raised my right arm and concentrated heat, focusing it all into one singular point just behind my palm. Then, I pushed it forward beyond my body. I heard the explosion but was unsure of the results. "...Did I do it?"

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