Hero License Exam Part 1

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Your POV

Today was the day of the exam. Truthfully, I was a bit nervous. On average, only 50% of the examinees received a hero license, so it could absolutely mean that I or my entire class could fail. But I did my best to put it out of my mind for now and just focus on doing my best. 

My class all met outside the school and boarded a bus that would take us to the Dagoba Arena where our exam was to be held. When we arrived, we saw a bunch of other students from schools all across the country. It was even more nerve wracking to see that most of them were 2nd or 3rd years. 

I fidgeted with the clasp on my costume case as I stood outside the arena. Suddenly, someone grabbed my hand that was messing with the case and forced it down to my side. I turned and saw Katsuki standing next to me. "You'll be fine. Stop worrying so much," he said softly, so that only I could hear him. I blushed, remembering what the girls had said the other day about him always being nice to me. 

Nodding slightly, I smiled and replied, "Yeah, okay. You're right."

Then, I heard Jiro groan from m left, "Ugh... I'm getting kinda nervous."

"I wonder what they're gonna make us do," Mineta added, rocking on his feet nervously, "What if I can't get my license?"

My dad bent down to his height and simply said, "Mineta. Don't ask if you can. Say you will."

"Right. Sure. I've so got this!" Mineta said, unconvincingly. 

My dad stood back up and faced all of us, "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros. I expect your best."

"Alright!" Kaminari cheered, "I can't wait to be a heroic chicken!"

"Let's call out the usual, you guys! On my mark! Go Plus..." Kirishima started.

"Ultra!" The only ones that called in out were Kirishima and some guy from another school. Weirdly enough, he looked familiar. I felt like I had seen him before. 

One of the guy's classmates spoke up from behind him, "You know, it's pretty rude to barge into other people's huddles like that Inasa."

That's where I knew him from! He was at the UA recommendation entrance exams! Inasa was a tall and intense looking guy with wide eyes and a buzzcut. He kinda reminded me of Iida in the sense that he never seemed to calm down.

"What? Pardon me," Inasa apologized, "I am so... very... extremely... sorry!" He snapped his hands to his sides and bowed completely down to the ground, forehead slamming into the concrete. 

"Who is this guy? I do not trust his enthusiasm," Kaminari said.

Jiro's eyes widened as she leaned forward to get a better look, "Hey, look at their uniforms."

"They're from that famous school on the other side of Japan," Sero observed. 

"UA in the East," Katsuki started. 

"Shiketsu in the West," I finished. 

Inasa stood back up and put his hat back on which had fallen off during his bow. "I wanted to say it just once! Plus Ultra! See, I really love UA High School! I am extremely honored to compete against such incredible students! I'm so looking forward to it!" He said as blood dripped down his face from where he had hit his head on the ground. 

A girl from his class stopped and stared at it for a moment, "Oh. Blood."

My eyes narrowed slightly at her odd behavior. Maybe she was just eccentric, but there was something about her I didn't trust. 

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