Picture Perfect

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Your POV

"A newspaper?" 

 We were all hanging out in the dorms, when my dad came in to explain something about a guest on the campus.

"Yeah," he replied, unenthusiastically, "They wanna do a feature on your class for some reason."

"Isn't that amazing, Deku?" Uraraka asked, leaning towards Midoriya. He blushed and nodded, avoiding eye contact.

Kaminari turned to us, "That's kinda surprising, huh?"

Kirishima and I shrugged, "Not really."

Ojiro nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I mean, the sports festival was on TV."

"We've gotta look super cute in case they wanna take our picture," Hagakure said to Mina, Jiro, and me. 

"For sure!" Mina agreed.

Jiro laughed and told the invisible girl, "I think you'll be just fine, Hagakure."

"That's enough," my dad scolded firmly, making us all go silent. "It's nothing too exciting. The article's about how you're settling in, adjusting to dorm life, that kinda thing. Principal Nezu thought it would be a good idea. This'll show your parents and guardians that you're happy here. Maybe set a few minds at rest."

From a little way behind me, I heard Mineta talking to Sero. "Newscasters are usually hot. This is awesome, right?"

"He said it was for a paper," Sero replied. 

Mineta was practically drooling as he said, "If she wants to write an article about my sticky balls, I'll give her an all access pass. I'll let her-"

He was cut off by my dad's capture scarf wrapping around him and covering his mouth. "I expect you all to be on your best behavior today."

"Don't worry on my account, Mr. Aizawa," a new voice spoke, coming around the corner. "I wanna get a feel for what dorm life is really like, so there's no need for them to act any differently than normal." 

"I didn't say you could come in yet."

The reporter walked over to stand in front of us. He was an older man with round glasses, dark wavy hair, and very defined facial features. "I was told I had from 8 AM till 6 PM. So, unless my watch it wrong..." My dad reluctantly dropped the scarf and allowed the reporter to continue. "Hello everyone, my name is Taneo Tokuda. I'm looking forward to learning more about you all."

"Nice to meet you," we all replied with a bow. 

"Now," Tokuda continued, "As I said, you don't need to do anything special. Just go about your day exactly as you normally would. The camera will do most of the work. I might ask an occasional question or two, and I hope you'll answer."

He gave us a very charming smile, which made most of the girls blush. "He's got such a nice smile!" Mina gasped. I had to admit, he seemed quite charming, and he was attractive. But of course, not as much as Katsuki. 

"Principal Nezu has probably already spoken to you about this, but I wanna make sure you don't interfere in any way. No offense-"

"I understand," my dad replied, stopping him in his tracks, "If you need anything, just let me know."

Tokuda laughed and responded, "I'm sure I'm in very capable hands. This is Class 1-A, after all. Every student here is a promising hero candidate."

"Iida, if there's a problem, let me know immediately. Got it?" My dad instructed.

"Of course, sir! As class representative, I will carry out my duty to ensure the safety of all my fellow students, no matter what-"

"That's great, thanks," Tokuda cut him off. "So, what would you normally be doing this time of day?"

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