New Term, New Problems

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Your POV

We were finally back in class after winter break. Everyone had spent their entire break at hero agencies doing their work study. It was now the beginning of the third and final term of our first year, which seemed so crazy to me. It felt like just yesterday I had gotten accepted into the school.

"My classmates! A Happy New Year to you all!" Iida exclaimed as he took the podium.

I smiled as I stood a bit to the side, "Happy New Year, everyone!"

"Today's class will consist of a practical briefing. We'll each share our accomplishments, challenges, et cetera from over the winter break. So, comrades, it's time to suit up... and head over to Ground Alpha!" Iida finished.

The door flew open, and my dad stood there, yellow sleeping bag in hand, "Quiet! Time to get started!"

"Happy New Year, Mr. Aizawa!" Mina cheered as we began walking out the door, our cases in hand.

"An auspicious New Year, sir!" Iida added, "I've apprised them of the schedule, per your instructions."


"Man, Iida," Kaminari spoke, "You're really revving hard today!"

He nodded, "Indeed. Thankfully, Manual, the hero with whom I apprenticed at my work study, is a leader in Hosu. It was just one week, but he taught me well. How to work hard without being uptight!" Iida started shaking his hips violently as he cheered, "Heck yeah! That's the only way to live!"

I huffed a laugh before grabbing my case and following everyone out the door. "Morning, Dad!" I chirped as I passed him.

"Morning, kid," he smiled.

I had thought long and hard about it over winter break, and I decided to keep the upcoming battle with the liberation army in the back of my mind. It would do me no use dwelling on it, and I was progressively getting stronger and faster. Besides, I'm sure the heroes will come up with a plan to keep everyone safe.

All of us girls were getting changed in the locker room, when I heard a sudden, "Oh! Ochaco, that a new costume?" Toru exclaimed, "It looks amazing!"

"She's right!" I added with a smile, "I love the new head piece, by the way."

"Yeah, that new style is great on you!" Momo affirmed.

"You think so?" Ochaco blushed, "Aw, thanks, guys!"

Jiro looked over at her case and asked, "What's this? A new Uraraka Wrist?" She picked it up and was surprised by the weight, "Oh, crap, that's heavy!"

"Yeah, there's wires stuffed inside," she explained, "Thanks to my quirk, the weight of it isn't a handicap. The case sure is heavy, though."

Mina picked up her new belt and felt something move around inside. "Hey, whatcha got in here?" The compartment opened and out fell a small All Might netsuke. It was the one she had gotten during our game at the Christmas party which was from Midoriya.

"Ah!" She shouted, drawing everyone's attention to it.

"Is that the...?" Jiro trailed off.

Ochaco was quick to dive for it. She snatched it off the floor and pulled a super cool move with a flip to get away from everyone.

Mina paused for a second before she gasped in realization, "I knew it!"

"It's not what you think, Ashido!" Ochaco shouted while the girl jumped up and down with excitement. "It's really not. I promise. I'm just, um, keeping it close for now. Keeping it safe."

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