Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

My mind went back to the memory that I've regained a while back. The memory about the boy I called my best friend. His face is blurry so I can't make out what he looks like. Who is he?

-Unknown Emotion-


I just sit on the bed, silently watching the three boys argue among themselves. Agatsuma in particular. He keeps on making loud noises. Especially when it's time for him to take his medicine. He'd throw a fuss about how bitter the medicine tastes. As a result, he got an earful scolding by Kanzaki.

The door to the hospital ward slowly slides open. I turn my head to see Giyuu-San. "Giyuu-San..." I said. He just send me a small smile as he walks over to me, until he's standing next to my bed.

"Are you feeling better now, Y/N?" He asked. His voice is laced with concern. I smile softly at his worry and nod my head to let him know that I'm all right. He nod his head as he hums softly. He turn his head to look at the three boys who grew silence upon his arrival.

The door slides open again, this time is Kocho-San. She smiles as she walks over to me. "You're good to go, Y/N-San... since you seem all better now" she said. I just nod my head at what she said with a soft smile on my face. I turn to look at Giyuu-San as he offers a hand to me. I grab his hand, allowing him to help me stand up.

"Wahhh!! Y/N-San, please don't leave me!!" Agatsuma wailed as he rushes towards me. He kneels on the ground as he clutch onto my clothes. "Who's going to help me drink my medicine! It's only bearable because you're here to bless me with that cute face of yours, Y/N-San!!" He cried out. Kamado let out a sigh as he walks over to him, yanking him off of me much like he did the previous times.

"What's with him?" Giyuu-San asked, as Agatsuma and Kamado starts arguing back and forth. I just let out a sigh. I turn to look at him to see him looking at me with a look of confusion on his face.

"Don't mind him... that's just his antics" I whispered as I lean closer to his ear. He just hums and nod his head. I turn to look at the boys. "I'll pay you a visit later, alright Kamado?" I said. He smiles softly at me and nod his head. I smile softly at him. I turn to look at Agatsuma who's still winning. "Oh, and Agatsuma-San... if you don't drink your medicine. I refuse to visit you again" I said. He let out a gasp as his face went pale. He let out a cry while clutching onto his chest, as if my words have stabbed his heart. I let out a sigh and shakes my head.

"Let's go, Y/N..." Giyuu-San said. I turn my head to look at him and nod my head. I turn to the boys and wave at them. Kamado waves back with a smile on his face. On the other hand, Agatsuma waves with a tears and snot on his face. I just turn around, walking away with Giyuu-San as we leave the hospital ward.

Giyuu-San escorts me back home. I turn to look at him as we have reached. "Thank you for dropping me off" I said. He smiles softly and nod his head. He lift his hand, gently placing it on top of my head as he caress my hair softly. I smile softly at his caring gesture. He steps closer making me hold my breath. He leans down, placing a gentle kiss on top of my head as he is a lot taller than me. I blink my eyes in surprise at his gesture.

"Rest well, Y/N... so you'd get healthier" he said. I just nod my head at what he said. My mind feels blank after his action. I don't know what to say to him. "See you..." he said, giving me a soft smile.

"See you, Giyuu-San..." I said, in a soft voice. He turns around and walks away. I just stand in my spot, watching as his figure gradually becomes smaller. I feel my cheeks growing warm.

I place my hand on my head where he placed a kiss. I feel my heart beating faster, making me move my hand from my head to my chest. Why do I feel this way?

Giyuu P.O.V

I turn around the corner and leans my back against the wall. I place my hand on my chest where my heart is, feeling it beating rapidly against my chest. Y/N... the girl who saved me when I was on verge of death during my battle against a Twelve Kizuki. The girl I welcomed to my house and into my life.

She makes me feel warmth. Something I haven't felt in a long time after I lost my older sister and best friend. But it's a different feelings. I know what this feelings is. I've fallen in love with Y/N.

I don't want to lose this warmth. I don't want to lose her. So no matter what it takes, I will make sure Y/N will be safe. I will protect her and make sure she will always stay by my side.

I pull away from the wall and decide to take a quick stroll around the village. The only thing occupying my mind is the thought of Y/N. What can I do for her? What should I do to make her realize my feelings? Should I give her some hints or should I just be straight forward and confess?

I walk by a jewelry shop. My eyes eventually landed on a pair of rings. I reach over and gently grab one. I stare at it as I think about Y/N. Will she accept if I give her this ring? Will she accept me?



It's nighttime, and as always I would sit on the porch to stare at the stars and moon. The breeze tonight feels so fresh that I just want to stay out there for as long as I can. It's hard to believe that I used to be in the open with Yumi for who knows how long. Now I actually have a family. I turn my head to look at Yumi who's sleeping on a futon next to mine. She looks so peaceful, making me smile softly.

I hear a soft cawing sound above me. I turn my head to see a familiar Kasugai Crow. I lift my arm to let it land. I lift my finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet.

"What brings you here this late at night?" I asked. He peck his feet, making me realize he have a note attach there. I know crows can talk. But maybe Giyuu-San told him to be quiet so he wouldn't bother anyone who might be asleep. "Alright... thanks" I said. I take the note from his leg and let him fly away.

I stare at the crow as he flies away until he's out of sight. I turn my head to look at the note and slowly unfolds it to read the content.

Y/N... can you come and meet me at the flower field on the night you comforted me? There's something I'd like to tell you...

Tomioka Giyuu

I furrow my eyebrow in confusion at the letter. The only way to figure out what he wants is to meet him there. I turn my head to look at Yumi to make sure she's still asleep. I smile softly when I realize she is. I stand up and make my way to where Giyuu asked me to go to.

A While Later

By the time I reached the destination. I spot Giyuu-San who's sitting on top of the boulder where I played a melody to help him sleep. I smile softly as I make my way towards him. He turns his head to look at me as he sense me coming.

"You want to see me, Giyuu-San?" I said. He nods his head. He gesture me to take a seat next to him and I did. "What is it?" I asked. He looks away from me. I notice he's fidgeting a little, making me furrowed my eyebrows in concern.

"Y/N..." he started. I hum softly to let him know that I'm paying attention to him. He bit his lips as he turn his head to look at me. "I..." he paused.

"What is it, Giyuu-San? If you have a problem, you can tell me anything. Do you have a nightmare again? Let me play you a melody" I said. I reach to my side to grab my flute but he quickly place his hand on top of mine to stop me.

"It's not that..." he said, shaking his head. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "It's... ugh! Why is it so hard for me to say it!" He said, ruffling his hair out of frustration. I blink my eyes in surprise, wondering why he looks so... frustrated.

"Y/N... I'm sorry for doing this. I hope that you won't be mad at me" he said. I just nod my head, assuring him that I won't be angry. He hesitates a little. He slowly leans his face closer to mine. "Don't be mad, okay?" He said.

"I won't, Giyuu-San. I promise..." I said. He nods his head as he turns his gaze away from me. He take a deep breath while closing his eyes. "Giyuu-San?" I said, worriedly.

He finally turn to look at me. He slowly lift his hand, gently cupping the side of my cheek. He slowly leans in as he closes the gap between us. My eyes widen slightly when I feel a soft pressure against my lips. Giyuu-San is... kissing me?

*to be continued*

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