Chapter 31

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Previously on Chapter 30

"I was so scared. I don't want to lose you like I lost my sister and best friend" he whimpered. The sound of his broken voice makes my heart aches painfully. I just close my eyes, tightening my arms around him as he clings desperately onto me. I'm sorry for worrying you so much, Giyuu.



I open my eyes to see I'm still in the hospital ward of the Butterfly Estate. I slowly move to sit up and lean my back against the headboard. Giyuu has left since he has a quick mission to do.

The door to my hospital room opens. I turn my head to see Tanjiro and his friends. I smile softly as Nezuko rushes towards me. She climbs onto the bed and wrap her arms around me. She nuzzles her head against my chest, making me smile softly. I turn my head to the side to see Yumi.

"Yumi..." I said. She starts to tear up as she rushes up to me. She clings onto my other side. I hug both her and Nezuko. "I'm alright, Nezuko... Yumi. Please don't worry too much about me" I said, caressing their heads gently.

"Don't worry you said, Y/N-San?" Tanjiro said. I turn my head to look at him. "How can we not worry about you. You scared us when you took the hit, earning a gaping hole on your abdomen. If you're not a demon, you would have died..." he said. I just smile softly at him as he starts to tear up.

"But as you can see, Tanjiro... I'm in perfect health. The gaping hole on my abdomen has healed" I said. I slowly stand up and unravel the bandage around my abdomen to reveal the closed up hole. It looks as if the hole wasn't even there. "See?" I said.

"Y-Yes... you uh... can close that now, Y/N-San..." he stuttered out. One of his hands is covering Zenitsu's eyes. I can see steam coming out of Zenitsu's ears. I blink my eyes in surprise. But it doesn't take long for me to realize they're flustered. I let out a chuckle and pull down my shirt to cover myself.

The door opens again, this time reveals Rengoku. He walks over to me and bows. "Thank you so much for protecting me, Y/N-Sama. I'm thankful that you're okay. I would feel so guilty if you had died in my place" he said.

"Stand straight, Rengoku-San. I told you it was fine. I won't die so easily..." I said. He stands straight and sends me his usual smile. But the smile still didn't reach his eyes as he still seems guilty. "I'm fine..." I said, trying to assure him.

They stayed with me until it's time for them to leave, as visiting hours have ended. Yumi wrap her arms around me one last time before leaving the room with Tanjiro and the others. I let out a sigh and move my body to lay down.

I wonder how Giyuu is doing on his mission. I sure hope that he's okay. I feel my eyes slowly starts to get heavy. I turn to lay on my side and let myself drift off to a deep slumber.


I wake up to someone lightly shaking me awake. I blink my eyes a couple of times. I turn my head to see it's Giyuu. "Giyuu... you're back" I said, sleepily. He smiles softly at me as I move to sit up.

"Sorry for waking you up. But you still hadn't had your dinner" he said. He move a little to grab the plate from the tray. I didn't even realize it was there until he reaches out for it. I lift my hand to grab it but he just swat my hand away.

"Let me feed you" he said. I feel my cheeks growing warm at his words. "What? You've looked after me when I was sick. Now's my turn..." he said. I let out a sigh, knowing that he won't take no as an answer. So I just agree to let him feed me.

He scoops up some of the food on a spoon and brings it closer to my lips. I open my mouth, taking the bite he's giving me. I close my eyes as I chew, trying to process the flavor.

"Is it good?" He asked. I open my eyes to look at him and smiles, nodding my head lightly. He smiles softly at me and continue to feed me until I finish the whole food.

"Can I have a drink?" I asked. He nods his head. He reach over to grab the cup and hands it to me. I gently take it from him. I start to drink slowly, trying to be careful so I don't choke while drinking.

"Thanks, Giyuu..." I said, handing the cup to him. He smiles softly at me. He place the empty plate back on the tray. I scoot a little, giving him some space as I know he'd want to be close to me. He takes a seat next to me on the bed. I scoot closer to him, placing my head on his shoulder as he wrap an arm around mine.

"Y/N?" Giyuu called out. I hum softly to let him know he has my attention. I tilt my head slightly to look at him. "Was there any memories you regained during your last mission?" He asked. I place my head on his shoulder once again.

"Well, it's not memories. There's this Lower Moon 1. His Blood Demon Art is dream manipulation. After the conductor punch the holes on our tickets, we all seem to had fallen asleep. It's all because of that demon's Blood Art. In my dream... I saw someone that had been appearing in my memories every once in a while. Apparently, he was my best friend when I was human" I said. I close my eyes as I recall what I dreamt off that day.

"He... asked me if was feeling sick, that I was sick. But instead of answering his question, I questioned him and asked who he is" I said. I turn my head to look at Giyuu. "He asked if I was just messing around with him. But I told him I wasn't. In the end, he insisted that he was telling the truth about him being my best friend. So I asked his name. He told me that his name is...

Kibutsuji Muzan

*to be continued*

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