Chapter 34

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Previously on Chapter 33

"Dismissed" I said. I feel his presence disappear soon after I said that. I clench my hands into tight fists, as I try to contain my anger. I can't let my blood lust out or they'd be able to sense me. If I get caught now, I won't be able to be near Y/N again. I have to act carefully. At least until I have Y/N back. Once I manage to get her, I will kill everyone.

-Before The Mission-


Giyuu and I walk in silence. My hand is being held by him as I keep my gaze focus on the path ahead of us. We're no where near our destination. It would probably take another day or two to reach there.

I stop walking after a while as I just remembered one thing. "I feel so stupid..." I mumbled, making Giyuu turn his head to look at me the second my steps halted. I turn my head to look at him. He gives me questioning look. "I just remembered my flute broke during the last Mugen Train mission. Oh Gosh! Why am I so stupid?? How am I suppose to fight a demon without my flute?!" I asked. I hit my forehead repeatedly, feeling so annoyed with myself for forgetting something as important as that.

Giyuu grabs my wrist before I could hit myself again. I turn my head to look at him. "Stop hitting yourself. You were sick and were focusing more on recovery. So it's not your fault for forgetting. We can always find some material to make you a new flute" he said.

"If only it's that simple, Giyuu..." I said. I run my free hand through my hair. "I need Black Asper bamboo to make a flute. It's not easy to find that bamboo as it is one of the rarest type of bamboo" I said. He frowns at what I said.

"Don't you have any other alternative to make it?" He said. I shake my head, shrugging my shoulders. I didn't know about that, since I've never broke my flute or even try to make a new one. "Maybe an ore like the ones we used for our Nichirin blade?" He said.

"I mean, we can always try? But it's gonna take a while and who would make it?" I asked. He place his finger on his chin. He grabs my hand and starts pulling me along with him. "Hey! At least tell me first where we're going to!" I said.


Giyuu ended up guiding me to a small hut. I turn my head to look at him with a questioning look. He just smiled at me and knock on the wooden door. The door slides open to reveal a guy with blue haori and a red tengu mask.

"Urokodaki-San. It's been a while..." Giyuu said, looking at the man in front of us. I take a quick glance at him to see there's a soft smile on his face. I turn my head to look at the man in front of us again, wondering who he is and how did Giyuu know this man. Why'd he even brought me here?

"Ah, Giyuu. Yes, it's been the while. The last contact we had is when you send Tanjiro and his sister" he said. He turn his head to my direction. I start to feel nervous since he didn't say anything for a few seconds. "And who is this, Giyuu?" He asked.

"This is Y/N. She's the Demon Hashira from the Estate. Not only that, she's also my girlfriend" Giyuu said. I feel my cheeks growing warm at how open he is about our relationship. Giyuu never seems to shy away when it comes to talking about us.

"Demon Hashira? So... you're a demon?" He said. I blink my eyes as my cheek finally stop reddening. I turn my head to look at Urokodaki-San. I nod my head lightly at what he said. "But you don't really seem like a demon..." he said. I blink my eyes at what he said. I stare at him in confusion. I turn to look at Giyuu, hoping he'd explain to me. Giyuu notices the look on my face and bit his lips, trying not to laugh.

"Just like Tanjiro. Urokodaki-San have a very keen sense of smell" Giyuu said. I hum softly and nod my head. Of course, I should have known about that. But if he said I don't smell like a demon, does that means I smelled like an ordinary human?

"I uhh... don't mean to be rude and interrupt your reunion with your teacher, Giyuu. But why exactly are we here?" I asked. Giyuu turn his head to look at me. He smiles softly.

"Urokodaki-San is quite good at carving. Maybe he can help you make your new flute" he said. I hum softly and nod my head. He smiles at me one more time before he turns to look at his former teacher. "Do you know where we could find a material. Maybe an ore that might be suitable or a Black Asper bamboo. Y/N here uses music to battle... she needs a new flute as her old one broke" he said.

"Black Asper, huh? Isn't that the bamboo that grows where the sun doesn't touch?" He said. I just nod my head. He turns around and points towards a certain mountain. "There's an area in that mountain where the sun doesn't touch. So you should be able to find the material you'd need. But do be careful, because that's the place where demons reside. Rumor has it that there could be one of the Twelve Kizuki lurking in that area" he said.

"It's too risky, Y/N. We should just try to make a flute using an ore. It could work the same" Giyuu said. I frown at what he said. I turn to look at him. I gently grab his hands.

"I know it's risky. But we can't waste time on trying to do something that isn't clear, Giyuu. We're wasting enough time as is. The more time we waste here, the higher the risk that more people are getting killed. I need that Black Asper to make my new flute" I said. He let out a sigh and nod his head.

"Fine... let's go to that mountain and find you that Black Asper" he said. I smile softly at what he said. He turn his head to look at Urokodaki-San. "Urokodaki-San... do you think you can help us carve the flute once we get the material?" He asked.

"Of course. I'll help the Corps the best I can. However, I've never made an instrument before. So you're gonna have to show me"he said. I nod my head at what he said as Giyuu smiles. He turn to look at the two of us before focusing his gaze on Giyuu. "Be careful on your journey to that mountain, alright?" He said. We nod our heads at what he said. We turn around and walks off.

We have to find that bamboo and retrieve it. The only thing I can do is hope for the best and actually manage to find the bamboo I'm looking for. I mean, I'm still able to fight without a flute but my attacks would be less effective. So we don't have a choice but to do this. I need flute to produce my Demon Blood Art, which is music. Without it, I'm just another average demon. So finding that bamboo is a must.

*to be continued*

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