Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

But yeah, she's right about her comment... why do I want to protect her? Why do I want to break the rules for her sake? Seems like those were questions that I don't have answers to. I don't know why I want to keep her out of harms way. Call it instinct or I'm just being stupid. I just feel the need to protect her. Why I feel that way... I have no idea.

-New Companion-


Tomioka just stares at me as he waits for my answer to his invitation to go with him. I let out a sigh and look away from him. "I don't know... I don't want your reputation to be tainted because you're hanging around a demon like me" I said.

"Oh, no need to worry about me... plus, you need to think of Yumi's well-being. It's not safe for her to constantly be out in the open" he said, still trying to convince me after noticing my hesitant. I just furrow my eyebrows. Why is he so persistent in wanting me to come with him?

I think about what he said and turn my head to look at Yumi who's cuddled up against me. He's right about that. Yumi and I are always expose to the outside world, where danger are always around the corner with higher risks of getting ambushed by other demons that are cruel or even slayers who have no mercy on a demon like me. Yumi would be in constant danger if there's only me looking after her. It would be nice if I have another companion, one that can help me look after her and ensure of her safety.

"Fine..." I said. Tomioka sends me a slight smile at my decision. He slowly moves to stand up from his spot. I raise an eyebrow at his action. "Are you sure you're good to go?" I asked.

"Yeah..." he said. I just hum softly and nod my head. I stand up with Yumi still in my arms. "I have to head back to the base to report the result of my mission" he said. I tense a little when he mentioned base. He must meant the base for Demon Slayers like him. He notice the look on my face. "I'm sure it'll be fine..." he said. I just hum in response to his assurance.

"I mean, the worst scenario would be that I die... I don't really care about my life. I mean, what's the purpose? I can't even recall who I was. I have no identity. I play no part in this world" I said. I notice how Tomioka frown at my choice of words. But he didn't say a thing even if he disagree with my statement. He just starts to walk. I just follow him quietly while carrying Yumi who have fallen asleep.


The sun have begin to set. I'm kinda thankful that the sun didn't bother me anymore. Otherwise, we would have been stuck to only move during night time. But I'm sure Tomioka-San wouldn't mind. It's the fact that there might be a demon trying to attack us. Which won't be good for his condition.

As we continue to walk, I'm starting to see a structure of a building in the distance. I'm guessing this is the Demon Slayer Headquarter. I look down at Yumi who's sleeping in my arms. I smile softly at how peaceful she looks as we keep on walking.

"Tomioka-San..." I said in a hushed tone. Tomioka turn his head to look at her, as she do the same. "If the people you claim are good found out what I am, and decided to kill me. Will you promise to look after Yumi for me?" I said.

"I won't let them harm you..." he said, in a stern voice. I furrowed my eyebrows, surprise by his response. The last thing I expect to hear is Tomioka-San assurance that he won't let anything bad happen to me.

He turn his head to look at me. "And besides, you have saved my life. It's enough to prove that you are not like other demons. They'll accept you even after finding out you're a demon" he said. I just hum at what he said, and turn my head to look forward.

I notice someone walking towards us. A girl with petite body. Her hair is black, with purple tips. She stops her steps once she's right in front of us. She turn to look at Tomioka-San before turning her head to look at me.

"Who is this, Tomioka-San?" She asked. I turn my head to look at Tomioka-San. I don't know what to say, or if this girl managed to catch on that I'm not a human.

"She's Y/N... she saved my life during my battle with one of the Twelve Moon" he said. I blink my eyes at what he said. He seriously just starts talking about that? Now this girl will suspect me more. Tomioka-San turn to look at me. I glance at him for a few seconds before focusing my attention on the girl in front of me.

"Oh? She saved your life? But she doesn't look like a Slayer. She looks like an ordinary person" she said. I just stare at her, wondering who she is. She seem to notice the look on my face. "Oh, where are my manners. I'm Kocho Shinobu, the Insect Hashira" she said.

"Oh, uh... nice to meet you, Kocho-San..." I said, with an awkward tone. It's been so long since I interacted with a human aside from Yumi. Today, I end up crossing path with Tomioka-San after mistaking him for a defenseless person. But he ended up being a Hashira, which is the highest rank in the Demon Slaying job. It's already so awkward for me to talk to him. But now I end up meeting this girl.

"Nice to meet you too, Y/N-San..." she said, offering a handshake. I stare at her hand for a few seconds before gently grabbing it with mind. "Are you okay? Your hand is really cold" she said. I try to get my hand out of her grasp, only for her to tighten her grip as she continues to stare at me.

She suddenly leans her face quite close to me, making me flinched slightly. Her eyes met with mine as she stare at me with an intense gaze. Something seem to clicked in her mind as she backs away from me.

"You're not a human. You're a demon" she said, backing away a little as she stares at me with an unreadable facial expression. I tense up at what she said. She turns her head to look at Tomioka-San.

"What's the meaning of this, Tomioka-San? Why did you bring this demon here?" She said. Even though she have a small smile on her face. I can tell that it's not sincere... she's pissed.

She places her hand on the hilt of her Nichirin sword. My eyes widen when I realize she's going to kill me. "Speak now... what have you done to make Tomioka-San trust you" she said.

"Settle down, Kocho. Killing her is not necessary. She may be a demon but she's harmless" Tomioka-San said, moving to stand in front of me to shield me from the girl. I just watch their interaction in silence.

"Nee-San?" A soft voice said. I look down to see Yumi is awake from her sleep. She turn her head to look at Kocho who's hand is still on the hilt of her sword. "Why is she staring at you like she wants to kill you?" She asked. Her voice cracks a little as she seem scared. She wraps her arms around my neck tightly.

"Put the sword down, Kocho. She's harmless. Look at the little girl... you're scaring her" Tomioka-San said. Kocho just stares at Yumi as she clings onto me. She eventually drops her stance as she place the Nichirin back inside its sheathe.

"A-Are you going to k-kill Nee-San?" Yumi asked Kocho, who stares at her with a look of surprise. She probably didn't expect to hear a human girl calling me 'Nee-San.' This might be the first time she met a demon like me. She probably had gotten used to crossing path with blood thirsty demons all the time.

"Shh... it's okay, Yumi... she's not going to hurt me" I whispered softly in her ear. Yumi relaxes she turn to look at me. I smile softly at her to try and calm her down. I turn to look at Kocho who's still skeptical about me. "I may be a demon. That's a fact I cannot deny. But I will never hurt a human..." I said. She scans my face, as if trying to detect my lie.

"I see. Pardon my rudeness..." she finally said. She turn her head to look at Tomioka-San. "But you still need to talk to Oyakata-Sama about her" she said. Tomioka-San only nod his head at what she said. She turns around and walks away without another words, not even a glance towards me.

"See? It's fine now..." Tomioka-San said, turning to face me. I just give him a small smile. That girl may believe what I said. But will the rest of them?

*to be continued*

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