Chapter 38

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Previously on Chapter 37

"Giyuu... please be okay" I said. My eyes starts to get blurry from exhaustion. My body falls to the side right next to Giyuu. I stare at his face, as color starts to return to his cheek. "You're gonna be okay..." I said. My eyes slowly drifted shut as I let darkness embraces me.

-Thank Goodness-


I feel something gently brushing through my hair. I move a little in my sleep, before slowly opening my eyes. My eyes met with a pair of blue eyes. My eyes instantly widens as soon as I realize Giyuu is awake.

"G-Giyuu..." I said, biting back a sob. I quickly sit up and climb to sit on his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face on his shoulder as I start to cry. "Thank God you're okay! Thank goodness, Giyuu! I thought you were going to die!" I cried out as he holds me close.

"I'm okay... you did it, Y/N. You saved my life" he said, in a soft voice as he held me close. I just keep on crying as I cling on him. "It's okay, Y/N... don't cry anymore. At least we learn something important from this..." he said.

I pull away to look at him. He lift his hands, gently cupping my cheeks. "We both learn that we can't live without each other. I was scared when you nearly lost yourself, and die after you ate that wisteria flower. And soon after we found that bamboo, you experienced the same fear as I did" he said. I nod my head, agreeing with him. The fact that I nearly lost him really terrified me. I don't want to go through that again.

"It's a clear sign that our love is strong. It will stay that way, I'll make sure of it. And the most important thing... I promise that I will always keep you safe, Y/N. I swear that on my life. I love you, Y/N" he said. I just smile at what he said and nod my head.

"I love you too, Giyuu..." I said. He leans his forehead against mine. I close my eyes as I enjoy the warmth he provides for me. I don't ever want to lose this... I don't ever want to lose him. 

He smiles soft at me as he gently caress my cheek with his hands. I close my eyes, nuzzling into his touch. I open eyes to look at him. He leans in, gently placing his lips against mine.

I close my eyes again as I return his kiss. My hand went up to his hair as I tangles my fingers through his soft raven hair. He wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me closer until my chest is flushed against his.

We pull away to breathe but didn't pull away. I place my head on his chest as he starts to play with my hair. I just close my eyes as he moves to lay down, with me holding him close. His heart beat is soft yet strong, which lets me know that he's fully recovered. The flute works perfectly well. I'm so glad.

I feel a soft kiss on the side of my head, making me smile softly to myself. I pull away to look at him. I lift my head and place a kiss on the tip of his nose. He smiles at my action and nudge his nose with mine lovingly. I blush at his action which makes him laugh softly.

A delicious scent enters my nostril which makes my stomach rumbles. I blush in embarrassment when it did. Giyuu let out a laugh as he turn to look at me. He poke my stomach teasingly.

"Are you hungry?" He said. I just nod my head. He let out a chuckle as he move to sit up. "Come on... seems like Urokodaki-San is preparing some food" he said. I just nod my head. I sit up and the two of us make our way towards the place where Urokodaki-San is.

"I see Giyuu is awake, and you seem to be in perfect health" he said, turning his head to look at us. His hand is still stirring the pot. "Come and eat, Giyuu... the food is almost done" he said.

"Y/N would like some too, Urokodaki-San..." he said. Urokodaki-San's head snap towards me. I can't see his expression because of his tengu mask. But I'm sure he's surprised at what Giyuu just said. "Y/N is a rare case of demon, Urokodaki-San. With each memories she regain, the more human she becomes. Now she can eat human food just like any ordinary human" Giyuu explained.

"I see... very well, then. Come and eat, Y/N..." he said. I smile and nod my head. Giyuu and I walk over to sit in front of him. He hands each of us a bowl of what seems to be a stew. I lift it close to my nose to take a light sniff.

"Smells good!" I said. I take a sip of the soup and hums in delight. "And it tastes so good too..." I smile happily. I turn to look at Urokodaki-San's whose head is facing me, so I'm assuming he's waiting for my reaction to see if I can actually eat human's food.

"Is that so? That's good to hear. Please eat a lot, there's still plenty..." he said. I give him a close eyed smile as I continue to eat happily. I feel a gaze on me. I turn my head to look at Giyuu to see him staring at me with a fond smile. I smile back at him.

After some time, the food is all gone. I smile happily as I stare at Urokodaki-San. "Thank you, Urokodaki-San. It tastes really good" I said. He nods his head. I can only assume that he's probably smiling too. But it's really hard to tell because of his mask.

"We should rest today... and tomorrow we'll have to head off to our mission, yeah?" Giyuu said. I turn to look at him and nod my head. He moves closer to me, placing his hand on the back of my knees. I stare at him with a confused expression. I let out a yelp when he stands up with me in his arms.

"Giyuu! We're not alone here!" I said. He just let out a light chuckle. I huffed and turned to Urokodaki-San. "Thank you again for the food, Urokodaki-San... and goodnight" I said. Giyuu turns around and walks towards our room.

He gently place me down on the futon, and tucking me in before laying down next to me. He places a hand on the back of my head, gently guiding my head to rest on his chest.

"Goodnight, Y/N..." he whispered softly. I just snuggle closer to him, listening to his steady heartbeat which brings me comfort. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

The Next Day

Giyuu and I are now standing in front of Urokodaki-San's hut. I smile softly at the man and bow respectfully at him. "Thank you so much for helping me create my new flute, Urokodaki-San... I'll forever be grateful for you" I said. I feel a hand on my head, making me look up.

"You don't need to thank me. I've looked after Giyuu for as long as I can remember. I even consider him as my own son. Anyone who's important to him is going to be important to me as well. You are welcome here anytime you need guidance, Y/N" he said. I smile at what he just said.

"I'll keep it mind, Urokodaki-San. Once again... thank you so much" I said, bowing at him once more. He nods his head and ruffles my hair. I turn to look at Giyuu as he bows at his former teacher. The two of us turn around and walks away.

Now that I have a new flute, we can finally set off to our original mission. Hopefully, we won't be too late to save that village from the demons terrorizing it. If something bad happened to that village because of our sidetrack, I won't be able to forgive myself since it was caused by me and my stupid forgetfulness.

"Y/N..." Giyuu said, in a gentle voice. I turn my head to look at him. He gently gives my hand a light squeeze. "I'm sure everything will be fine. We didn't stray away from the mission for too long. It's only been 2 days..." he said.

"We stray away from our mission for 2 days and 2 nights straight. Anything could happen during those time... and it's all my fault for forgetting the fact that my flute was broken..." I mumbled. He gently remove his hand from mine to wrap his arm around my shoulder. He gently pulls me closer. "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something bad happened to that village and the people in it, Giyuu" I said.

"Hey, neither of it is your fault. You don't remember that your flute was broken because you're on the process of recovery..." he said, trying to comfort me. I turn to look at him and give him a weak smile. He places a hand on my head with his arm still around my shoulder. He kiss the side of my head lovingly. "The least we can do now is wish for the best, Y/N" he said.

"You're right, Giyuu..." I said. He smiles at me and move his hand from my shoulder to grab my hand again. We look forward as we continue our journey to the village. Please let the citizen be safe. That's all I could ask for at this point. Don't let them suffer. I swear we'll find the demon and end it to free everyone.

*to be continued*

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