Chapter 29

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Previously on Chapter 28

As the time passes, I feel my body growing tired from using too much energy to channel my Blood Art through my flute. I can't possibly summon my dragon inside a train since she's too big for a room this small. Kamado... Hashibira... please hurry!

-Upper Moon 3 : Akaza-


The train suddenly jerks off trail, distrusting my focus on the flute. I wince in pain as I got thrown off to the side. I hear a crack and turn my head. My eyes widen as I let out a shaky gasp. My flute have broke in halves. It's the only way for me to fight. The train jerks again as I got thrown out of the window. I land on the ground and wince as pain course through my body.

I slowly sit up, wincing as I did so. I move my shirt to the side to see a deep gash. I watch as it slowly heals. I let out a sigh and turn my head to the side to see Kamado laying on the ground. He seem to have been stabbed on his lower abdomen. Rengoku-San hovers above him and starts to give him some instruction on how to stop the bleeding with his Total Breathing Control : Constant.

"Good... you seem to have stopped the bleeding..." he said. He turns his head to look at me. "How about you, Y/N? You okay?" He said. I just smile and nod my head. I move to stand up and walk over to them.

"I'm fine, Rengoku-San. I'm just exhausted" I said. He hums softly and nod his head. I feel a strong presence coming our way. "The battle's not over yet" I said, turning my head to the direction the presence is coming. A loud crash resonates around the area as a figure appear.

"Upper Moon 3

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"Upper Moon 3..." I said. My eyes widen at the sight. This demon will be harder to beat than that train demon. This is one of the Upper Moon. We have to be careful. One slip up would mean death.

He lunges forward. I'm quick to realize that he's aiming for Kamado. I appear in front of him and swing the blade that's on the sole of my shoes, swiftly severing his arm. He jumps a few feet back as his arm heals in an instant. He lift his hand, licking the remaining blood on his arm.

"You're quite light on your feet, hm?" He said. I didn't say anything back as I just glare at him. He stands up as he grins at me. "You seem different too. Something about you gives me the impression that you're not a human" he added. He focuses on staring into my eyes as he stares at me intently. "Ah... I was right. You are a demon. Mind telling me why you're siding these humans?" He said.

"I don't owe you any explanation..." I said, coldly. He just grins at my respond. I notice his eyes flickering towards the boy laying behind me. I realize he's still planning to kill Kamado. I move to stand in front of him protectively. "Forget it. I won't let you get to him easily. Why would you even target an already defenseless boy? Are you that much of a coward to fight someone your own league?" I said.

He let out an amused laugh at my comment. "Well, that's cute. You think you stand a chance against me, lady? But either way, I refuse to fight against a lady, and a beautiful lady too. Say, are you single?" He said. I just send him an unamused glare.

"Not that it's any of your business. But no, I'm not single. I have a boyfriend that I love so much" I said. He hums at what I said. He places his hands on his hips as he keeps his grin.

"Oh, yeah? What a shame. I genuinely believe we could make a great couple. But I sure hope that this lucky man isn't some pathetic weak human, or is he?" He said. I didn't say anything as I glare at him. How dare he make fun of Giyuu.

"Ah... so he is just a human, after all. I can tell by how defensive you get when I commented about him being a pathetic human" he said, grinning at me. I glare at him while clenching my hands into tight fists. "Oh... did I struck a nerve? Just how amazing this guy is for you to get so worked up for him, hm?" He said, smirking at me.

"Enough talking, asshole!" I yelled. I was about to lunges at him. A hand outstretch in front of me. I turn my head to see it's Rengoku-San.

"Stand back, Y/N. I'll be the one to handle him. He's not going to fight you... just focus on tending Kamado" he said. I let out a sigh and back down. He's right about that though. The Upper Moon clearly stated that he'd refuse to fight a woman.

"Fine... but if things get out of hands, I'm stepping in" I said. He nods his head and turns his focus on the demon in front of us. He lunges forward as the two of them start to fight.

My eyes widen when I notice Rengoku-San pace starts to get slower. His blood starts dripping from his wounds. If I let him continue to fight like this, he's going to get hurt a lot worse than this. He could even die from this battle. I have got to do something.

The Upper Moon keeps on telling Rengoku-San to agree to be a demon. But Rengoku-San quickly shut the offer down, refusing to be a demon. "Rengoku-San!" I yelled out as he lunges at the demon again.

I stand up and rush towards them. In a blink of an eye, I appear in front of Rengoku-San. I cough up blood as the Upper Moon's hand pierced through my chest. His eyes widen at my sudden appearance.

"Y/N! Why'd you do that?!" Rengoku-San said behind me. The demon pulls his arm out, revealing a gaping hole on my stomach. I drop on my knees as the wound slowly starts closing.

"Because I can survive this injury... but you wouldn't, Rengoku-San" I said. I look down at the hole on my body. I turn to look at him. "It's gonna take a while and a lot of energy though..." I said. The sun slowly starts to rise. The Upper Moon panicked at the sight as he turns around and runs off.

Rengoku-San kneels down next to me. "Are you sure that you'd be okay?" He asked. I smile weakly at him and nod my head. My eyes starts to get blurry as I feel my strength getting drained as my body focuses on closing up the hole on my abdomen. I feel my body slowly falling on my side as my surrounding slowly went dark.

*to be continued*

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