Chapter 22

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Previously on Chapter 21

"I love you too, Giyuu... thank you" I said. I pull away to look at him. He smiles softly at me. He cup the side of my cheek tenderly. He leans down and gently place his lips against mine. I close my eyes as I kiss him back. I'm so lucky to be love by someone as amazing as him. I don't ever want to lose Giyuu. He's everything to me.

-A New Position-


I'm standing in front of the mirror as I brush my hair. I try my best to get rid of all the knots, wincing every now and then when my comb get caught in them. Having a h/l hair could be a hassle sometimes.

I wonder if should just get my hair to look like boy's hair, which is short and easy to look after. But that would make me look a bit boyish. Not that I mind. Giyuu would mind though. He told me he love my current hair length, and that he enjoys playing with it.

"Nee-San?" I heard someone said from my bedroom door. I place the comb down and make my way towards it. I gently slide the door open to reveal Hinaki. "Father wish to see you... him and the other Hashira's have gathered" she said.

"Alright... thanks for letting me know" I said. Although, I'm not sure what he needs me for. It's suppose to be a meeting between him and the Hashira's. Why would he want me to join in that meeting.

Hinaki bows at me which makes me tensed up a little. I'm still not used to any of them showing me respect. It feels like it was just yesterday that I'm just a wandering demon with Yumi in tow. Now I'm part of a family, and not just any family... the family of the Leader of Demon Slayers.

If someone were to tell me this, I wouldn't believe them at all. Me? A demon, becoming a family member of the Leader of Demon Slayers? That's just unbelievable. It just seem so impossible to be true. But yet, here I am in that exact scenario. Who would have thunk it, huh? But this is the reality I have to get used to.

After dressing myself up with my daily clothes. I make my way outside of my room. I make my way towards the place where the meeting will be held. In my mind, I keep wondering what Father needs me for.

I slowly slide the door open to reveal the room is filled with the 9 Hashira, and Father. I make my way inside and take a seat on the empty spot next to Giyuu. He turn to look at me and smiles softly. I return his gesture and turn my focus to Father.

"Right, now that Y/N is here. We can start the meeting" Father said, with his usual soft smile. I place my hands on my lap as I pay full attention to him. "I decide to call all of you for this meeting because there has been a slight change in my decision... Y/N" he said.

I flinch when he said my name. "Y-Yes, Father?" I said, stiffly. Why did he sound so serious? Am I in trouble? He let out a soft chuckle at the nervous tone in my voice.

"Don't worry. You're not in trouble. As a matter of fact, I would like you welcome you as an official member of the Demon Slayer. Starting today, I'd like you to be one of the Hashira. Your title shall be Demon Hashira" he said. I blink my eyes in surprise at what he said. Me? A Hashira? 

"E-Eh? You want me to be a Hashira, Father?" I said, while placing my hand on my chest in disbelief. He smiles softly at my reaction and lightly nod his head. I gulp as I turn my head to look at the others.

Giyuu have a proud smile on his face, along with Kanroji-San and Kocho-San. Tokito-San's face remains neutral, same with Himejima-San. Rengoku-San have a smile on his face as usual. But the ones who didn't look too happy about this announcement are Shinazugawa-San and Iguro-San.

"A-Are you s-sure about this decision you made, Father?" I said, worriedly as I turn my head to look at Father once again. "It'd probably be okay if you were to make me a Demon Slayer. But, a Hashira? I... don't deserve that title. A demon becoming a Hashira? That just... doesn't seem right. It's not gonna look good on your side as the Leader, Father. What would the other Slayers think of you?" I said.

"Quit worrying of that people think of you, Y/N. You've proven yourself to be a dedicated individual, demon or human. You have protected human and helped Giyuu in every missions he had. You deserve this title, Y/N..." Father said, with his comforting smile. I bit my lips at what he said and look down. Do I really?

A hand is gently placed on top of mine. I turn my head to see Giyuu. "Your Father is right, Y/N. You've proven yourself a countless of times. You deserve it..." he said, smiling softly at me. My eyes soften at his comforting words as I smile softly at him. He give my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Thank you, Giyuu..." I said. I turn my head to look at Father. "If that's what you believe Father. Then, it'll be an honor for me to serve you as one of the Hashira's" I said. A happy smile starts to form on his lips.

"That's good to hear, Y/N... welcome, Demon Hashira" he said, making me smile softly at what he said. "May you will always continue to do your best, my dear..." he said. I bow my head slightly in front of him.

"Of course, Father. I will try my best and I won't let you down" I said. He nods his head in satisfaction. I turn to look at Giyuu to see him smiling proudly at me. I smile at him.

Father dismiss us, so everyone leaves the room one by one. I'm the last one to leave the room. "Y/N..." Father said, just as I was about to step out of the room. I turn my head to look at him, to see him smiling at me.

"Yes, Father?" I asked, to let him know I'm still in the room. He gestures me to come closer to him. I did as told and gently grab his hand to let him know I'm near. He lift his free hand. I gently guide it to my head. He caress my hair softly.

"Good luck out there during your missions, alright?" He said. I smile softly at what he said. He spread his arms. I scoot closer to him and gently wrap my arms around him. "And be safe..." he said.

"I will, Father..." I said, as I place my head on his chest. I feel a soft pressure on the side of my head. I slowly pull away from the hug while his hand is still on my head. I let out a soft giggle as he ruffles my hair.

"Off you go... the rest of them usually hold a celebration when someone is promoted as a Hashira. I'm sure they'll do the same for you" he said. I give him a quick one last hug and stand up.

"I'll take my leave now, Father..." I said. He nods his head and ushers me to get going. I turn around and make my way out of the room. As soon as I walk out of the room, I realize Giyuu is waiting for me. "Giyuu..." I said.

He smiles at me and walks over to me. "I'm proud of you, Y/N. Congratulations on managing to prove yourself to others" he said. I smile softly at him as he pulls me close. I lean my head against his chest, as he place his hand on my head as he caresses my hair softly. "I'm going to miss going on missions with you" he said.

"Yeah... I'll miss that too" I said, pulling away to look at him. He cups my cheeks and lean his forehead against mine. "I love you, Giyuu..." I said.

"I love you too, Y/N" he said. He leans down and gently place his lips against mine. I tilt my head, kissing him back. He pulls me closer as he tilt his head, deepening the kiss. I smile into the kiss as I tangle my fingers through his hair. As happy as I am to be promoted... parts of me still have doubts. Will I do good as a Hashira?

*to be continued*

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