Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

"Just go to Mt. Sagiri and find a man named Urokodaki Sakonji. Tell him that Tomioka Giyuu sent you both. That girl seems to be fine because it's cloudy. But never let her get expose to sunlight. Come, Y/N... let's go" he said, turning to look at me as he said the last sentence. I nod my head at what he said. I glance at the boy for a few seconds to see him staring at me. I give him a small smile and leave with Tomioka-San.

-Overwhelming Pain-


We're currently walking through a rocky road. The snow have covered pretty much everything. I hear my name being called. I turn my head to see Tomioka-San turning his head to look at me.

"It's chilly out here. You should head back to my estate. I'll come home after I finish my report to the master. So, go home..." he said. I just give him a small smile. I feel touch that he cares about my well being. Even though I'm a demon.

"I'm gonna be fine, Tomioka-San. But I wanna see Yumi and check her condition" I said. He just hums at what I said and nod his head. I turn to look forward as we keep on walking.

A While Later

"Yumi..." I said, smiling softly as a familiar girl comes into my view. Her eyes lit up at the sight of me. She run towards me with a huge grin on her face.

"Nee-San!!! You're back!" She yelled out happily. Her arms are spread as if she's asking for a hug. I just smile as I move to kneel down on the ground, allowing her to pull me into her embrace.

"Have you been a good girl, Yumi?" I said. She told me she's all right, making me feel relieved. I pull away and place my hands on her shoulders. "You didn't trouble Oyakata-Sama, do you?" I said.

"Nope! Of course not, Nee-San! Yumi have been a good girl" she said, pulling away slightly to look at me. I smile softly at her as I tap her nose gently. She beam happily at my affectionate gesture.

"That's a good girl..." I said, ruffling her hair. She whine because I messed up her hair. I just let out a soft giggle at her reaction. "Right... I got something for you. I got it on the way back. I hope you like it" I said.

I reach inside my haori and pulls out a small bag. "Here you go..." I said, handing it to her. She take it in her hands and stares at it for a few seconds. She turns her head to look at me. "Go on, open it..." I said, motioning her to open the gift. She did as I told. I watch as her eyes lit up at the gift.

"This is so cute, Nee-San

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"This is so cute, Nee-San. Thank you!!" She said, pulling me into a hug by throwing her arms around my neck. I let out a soft giggle as I return her embrace. I gently run my hand through her hair lovingly. "I'll be sure to treasure it!" She promised.

"I know you will..." I said, smiling softly at her as she pulls away from me. I move to stand up and smiles at her. "I have to get going now, okay?" I said. She frowns at what I said. I give her a small smile as I place my hand on top of her head. "I'll visit again" I said.

"Promise?" She asked, lifting up her pinky. I smile and nod my head, gently entwining my pinky with hers. "See you soon, Nee-San..." she said. I smile softly at her and bends down, placing a soft kiss on top of her head. I turn around and walks away with Tomioka-San who's already finish giving his report to the master.

We eventually reach his estate. He slide the door open and turn to me, moving aside a little to give me room to enter his house. He slide the door close once I'm inside. I turn to look at him and smiles softly.

"I've never thanked you, Tomioka-San..." I said. He turn his head to look at me. He looks a little confused by my comment. "Thank you... for letting me stay with you. For looking passed the fact that I'm a demon" I said. He just give me a small smile.

"It's the least I could do because you saved my life that day" he said. I just smile at him. He turn around and walks forward. But before he's out of sight, he turn to look at me. "Go on and get some rest, alright?" He said. I nod my head at what he said. He turn around and finally walks away.

I make my way towards the room Tomioka-San provided for me. I slide the door close. I'm not too sleepy, so I just head towards the porch. I take a seat and stare at the sky. The moon have just rise up in the sky, along with all the twinkling stars.

My mind went back to the flash of vision I had when I saw that boy with his sister. How he begged Tomioka-San to not kill his little sister. I wince at the feeling of sharp pain on my head. I clutch my head tightly as I let out a pained cry.

Giyuu P.O.V

I walk passed Y/N's room. I stop when I hear a sound from inside. I furrow my eyebrows. "Y/N? Are you okay in there?" I asked. She didn't answer. She sounds like she is in so much pain. "I'm coming in, okay?" I said. I slide the door open. I scan through the room and found her on the floor, clutching onto her head. My eyes widen at the sight. I rush towards her and scoops her up in my arms.

"Oi, Y/N... can you hear me?" I said. She didn't answer as she keeps crying out in pain. What happened to her? Why'd she suddenly in such state?

I feel her body went limp in my arms. I turn my head to look at her to see that she has lost her consciousness. I place my hand on her cheek to feel her body is warm. Her face gradually becomes paler. I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion. Can demon get sick too?

*to be continued*

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