Chapter 25

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Previously on Chapter 24

I can only hope that incident won't happen again. I was so scared. I am so glad that Giyuu came. I'm sure he'll keep his promise. I will be safe as long as he's by my side.



I slowly open my eyes. I feel a pair of arms around my waist. I let out a gasp as I sit up and scoots away. I relax a little when I realize it's Giyuu, who have woken up due to my sudden movement.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worriedly. I just hum and nod my head. He move to sit up. He scoots closer to me. He stops when he notices me tensing up a little at his action. He frowns at my reaction.

"Are you still shaken up?" He asked, worriedly. I didn't say anything, only nodding my head. What happened yesterday with Shinazugawa-San really scared me. I can almost feel his hands all over me. It's truly scary and traumatizing.

Giyuu tenderly places his hand on top of mine that is placed on my lap. "Look at me..." he said, in a soft voice. I turn my head to look at him. "See? It's me, Y/N. You know I won't do anything that'll make you uncomfortable, right?" He said.

"Yeah... I'm sorry for reacting this way" I said. He just smiles softly at me. He scoots closer to me and this time I didn't tensed up. He slowly wrap his arms around me. I just scoot closer to his side, allowing me to hold me. "I just... I was scared" I whispered, with my head pressed up against his chest. But I'm sure he can hear me because his arms tighten as an attempt to calm me.

"I know... I won't let him get near you again, alright?" He said. I just nod my head at his words of reassurance. "I love you, Y/N" he whispered softly, but loud enough for me to hear him.

"I love you too, Giyuu..." I said, pulling away slightly to look at him. He smiles at what I said. His hand slowly cupping the side of my cheek. He leans closer to place his lips against mine. I close my eyes, gently kissing him back.

"We should probably get ready for the day. Don't you think?" I said, after pulling away from the kiss. He nod his head at what I said. I try to get up, but he tighten his arms around me.

"After one more kiss" he said. I let out a soft giggle and leans in to kiss his cheek. "That's not a kiss" he said. He looks irked by my action, which makes me let out a soft giggle.

"That is a kiss. I don't know what you're talking about, Giyuu" I said, teasingly. He rolls his eyes and place his hand on the back of my head. He pulls my head closer to his, placing his lips against mine. I let out a giggle as we continue to kiss.

He pulls away from the kiss to look at me. He starts to smirk, which makes me confused. I feel his hands going to my sides. I burst out laughing as I holds his wrist, trying to get him to stop as he starts tickling me.

"Okay! Okay! You win!!" I said. He finally stops tickling me. I breathe heavily as I try to catch my breathing. He smirks at my reaction as he pulls me closer. "Damn... I can't breathe. I thought I was going to die" I said.

"You know I won't tickle you to death, right? The last thing I want is for you to go dying on me. You're too precious to me, Y/N" he said, staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

I smile softly at what he said and nod my head. Of course, Giyuu wouldn't let me even come close to a near death situation. Not if he can do something to prevent it from happening. No matter what it takes, Giyuu will always be there to keep me safe. That's why I trust him with my life.


Giyuu and I are currently walking around, wanting to get some fresh air. I turn around the corner, only to bump into someone. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't pay-" I try to apologize, only to freeze up when I realize who it is. I feel my body tense up at the sight of him.

"S-Shinazugawa-San..." I muttered in a hushed voice. I back away a little as he stares at me with his pale purple eyes. Giyuu steps up to stand in front of me, shielding me away from his gaze. My hands found their way to Giyuu's sleeve as I clutch onto it for comfort.

"Walk along, Shinazugawa... don't you dare stare at her with those disgusting eyes of yours" he said. His voice sounded low and threatening. Shinazugawa just stares at him and turn to look at me, who's peeking at him over his shoulder.

"I have no rights to stand up for myself for what I did to you, Y/N... and I don't expect you to forgive me" he said. He take one step forward and get down on his knees. "But I just want to say... I regretted it so much" he said. I blink my eyes in surprise at his action.

"S-Shinazugawa-San! Get up! Don't kneel for me" I said. For a moment I seem to forget the fear I felt at the sight of him. I walk passed Giyuu as I stand in front of the Wind Hashira. He didn't listen to me as he keeps on kneeling.

"I was wrong for doing that to you..." he said. His voice sounded full of guilt. He looks up at me as tears starts to gather in his eyes. "I just... I like you so much. But again, that doesn't justify my action. I'm so ashamed of myself for what I did to you yesterday. It was suppose to be a memorable moment because you've just been promoted as a Hashira. But I ruined your day. I'm so so sorry, Y/N" he said. He drop his head as he places his hands on the ground, bowing at me. His voice sounded sincere and he looks like he did regret his action.

"You regretted it... and that's what's important. But I'm sorry, Shinazugawa-San. I can't bring myself to forgive you just yet. But I appreciate your apology" I said. He lift his head to look at me, tears streams down his cheeks. I smile softly at him and offer my hand.

"Now please get up... it's not gonna look good for your reputation if someone sees you kneeling in front of a demon, would it?" I said, smiling sincerely at him. He hesitantly grabs my hand, allowing me to pull him up.

"Tch..." Giyuu let out. I turn my head to look at him. He walks up to me, gently wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me closer to his side. "She might have appreciate your apology. But I'll make sure you won't get close to her again" he said. He gently pulls me along as we walk passed Shinazugawa-San.

A While Later

We ended up in a garden. Giyuu guides me to a bench to take a seat. "How can you accept his apology so easily, Y/N?" He said. I turn my head to look at him to see a frown on his face. I lift my hand and cup his cheek. He place his hand on top of mine.

"He regret what he did..." I said. He let out a sigh as he pulls me closer. "I won't trample down on someone who regrets their action" I said, closing my eyes as I feel his hand tangling in my hair as he play with it gently.

"You're too nice. Sometimes I questioned whether you're an actual demon, Y/N. You acted too human-like to be compared to demons..." he said. I feel a soft kiss on the side of my head as he keeps me close in his arms. "I can't wait for the day I finally manage to turn you back into a human, Y/N. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that happens" he said. I smile softly at he said, because I too... wanna be a human.

*to be continued*

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