Chapter 39

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Previously on Chapter 38

"You're right, Giyuu..." I said. He smiles at me and move his hand from my shoulder to grab my hand again. We look forward as we continue our journey to the village. Please let the citizen be safe. That's all I could ask for at this point. Don't let them suffer. I swear we'll find the demon and end it to free everyone.



Giyuu and I have been walking for 2 days. We would take a break every now and then to replenish our body and strength. We don't know what kind of demon we're up against. So we need to make sure we're in our best condition.

"We should be near the village by now" I said. I turn to look at Giyuu. He turn to look at me, giving my hand a gentle squeeze as he notices the look of discomfort on my face. He been holding my hand in his since we left Urokodaki-San's hut. I'm glad he's holding my hand, it gives me a sense of comfort.

I look forward, noticing the faint outline of what seems to be the village we're heading to. "Looks like we're here, Giyuu..." I said. He gives my hand another light squeeze as we pick up our pace to head to the village. The sun is about to set, so we have to brace ourselves for any sign of demon attack.

My eyes widen as I let out a shaky breath. My knees feel numb as I fall on them. The state of the village is much worse than I had anticipated. Everything is in shambles and not a single building is in one piece.


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"No..." I breathe out. I clench my hands into tight fists as I lower my gaze to the ground. "This is all my fault. If only I had my flute made sooner. We would be able to reach this village faster and we could have saved all of them" I said. Tears starts to roll down my cheeks as I cry softly.

"Y/N..." Giyuu said. I kneels down in front of me. His hand gently cupping my cheeks to turn my face to look at him. "This isn't your fault. Don't blame it on yourself" Giyuu said.

"It is my fault, Giyuu... if only I had remember sooner. If only I got my flute made sooner. Things wouldn't end up this way" I said. He let out a sigh. He gently runs his thumbs across my cheeks, gently wiping my tears. He gently wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. I bury my face into the crook of his neck.

"It's not your fault. You were focusing on recovery..." he repeated. I pull away to look at him. He gently places a soft kiss on my forehead. "We should take a look around this village, maybe there's survivors" he said. I nod my head weakly, giving him a sad smile. He stands up and gently helps me up. He gently hold my hand. His free hand gently wiping the tears from my cheeks.

We walk around the village. I strain my ears, trying to catch any noise in hope it would be a surviving citizen. I look around the area. As I stare at each building, I feel a heavy feeling on my chest the more I see the condition of this village.

"H-Help..." a weak woman's voice can be heard from where we're standing. My eyes widen at the sound. I release Giyuu's hand. I rush towards the direction, with Giyuu following behind me.

"I'm coming! Hang on!" I yelled out, hoping she'd hear me. I reach the source of voice, noticing the woman is trapped under the rubble. Her bloodied face turn to look at me.

"D-Demon..." she said, staring at me in fear. I feel my chest tightens at the way she stares at me. "Go away!" She yelled, as I try to come closer to her.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you" I said. She just keeps on screaming at me. I stare at her sadly. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Giyuu. He gives me a comforting smile.

"I'll help her, okay?" He said. I let out a sigh and nod my head, giving him a small smile. I back away as he walks towards the woman. He lift the rubble from her body. I notice that both her legs are crushed.

"Your legs..." I said. She turn to look at me as she clutch onto Giyuu's haori. I take my flute from my waistband. She just stares at me with a look of hatred. "I won't hurt you, ma'am... this will help you. Trust me..." I said. She still looks doubtful and stared at me with fear. I let out a sigh. I lift my hands, placing my flute on my lips.

A soft glow engulfs her body. I watch as her legs starts to heal. Her eyes widen as she stares at her legs in awe. My eyes soften as I continue to play.

Once the melody is over, her legs are all healed. "There. You're all better" I said, giving her a closed eyed smile. She turned to look at me. The look of fear slowly vanish from her gaze as she stared at me.

"I'm sorry! What I said must have hurt your feelings" she said. I blink my eyes at what she said as she move to stand up on her feet. She walks up to me, grabbing my hands. I blink my eyes in surprise at her action. "You're such a gentle demon... I'm sorry for shouting at you" she said. My eyes soften as I smile softly at her.

"It's quite alright, ma'am... I don't blame you for being scared of me. After all, I'm a demon. A feared creature that feast on humans" I said. Her eyes soften as she let my hands go. She pulls me into a hug, making me flinch in surprise. I turn to look at Giyuu who just smiles at me.

"You're such a gentle creature..." she whispered. I just smile and gently hugs her back. I pat her back softly as she tighten her arms around me. "The demon... it came to us and took the children. I tried to fight to save them, but he's too strong for a human like me. He throws me off and got me trapped under the roof of my house. M-My... my son is taken as well" she said. She pulls away from the hug, dropping on her knees as she begs at me.

"Don't worry, ma'am... we will save them. Along with your son" I said. She smiles happily at me. I help her get up and turn to look at Giyuu. "We should go and search for them now. Who knows what that demon is doing to those children" I said.

"You're right, Y/N..." he said, nodding his head at what I said. I turn to look at the woman. I smile softly at her and gently pat her back in reassurance. She holds her hands together in front of her chest as she stares at us with a hopeful gaze. We turn around and runs off. My eyes turns color into my demon eyes. I can see trails of footsteps that came from the demon.

"This way, Giyuu!" I said. I speed up with him following close behind me. I pick up a faint scent of blood. I grit my teeth in frustration, knowing the demon is hurting those poor children. I won't forgive that monster for any harm they brought to those kids.

*to be continued*

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