Chapter 48

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Previously on Chapter 47

"Oh of course, Giyuu... you may call me Y/N from now on" I said, smiling softly at him. A soft smile starts to from on his face. I don't know why, but calling him Giyuu makes the sense of familiarity within me grows stronger. Then there's that little voice in my head that sounded like me. Do I actually know Giyuu before?

-A Connection-


I sit on the chair in the classroom. Giyuu is sitting next to me. I place my hand on the palm of my hand as I pay close attention to the history teacher's explanation. He's talking about the Taisho Era of Japan, it was the era where creatures known as demons existed. Living alongside them are an organization known as Demon Slayers, whose job were to protect the humans.

The teacher decided to give us some time to read the book on our own. I turn my attention to the history book in front of me. My eyes scans through the page as I read silently.

Even though demons are known as vicious creatures. There was one female demon in particular known to be very gentle, even to humans who were supposed to be demons source of food. This female demon was said to have a pair of e/c eyes, h/c h/c hair, and was said to have the sweetest smile. She fell in love with a human and together, they fought against evil demons to protect the humans.

Back in the day, special demons were able to fight against the Demon Slayers organization using a magic like techniques known as Demon Blood Art. This demon's Blood Art is music. She would play a flute in order to cast her spell, producing an enchanting melody that could heal or destroy those around her. But this demon never once harm a single soul.

Another thing that differentiated this female demon with other demons was that each time she regains a memory, she becomes more human. It is also said that she was once the lover of the creator of demons, who suffered from an incurable diseases. In which the demon king offered to transformed her into a demon.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I keep reading the pages. I place my hand on my head as I feel a sharp pain. I let out a pained cry as I clutch onto my hair tightly. Why did my head suddenly starts to hurt so badly?

Giyuu P.O.V

I hear a pained cry next to me. I turn my head to see Y/N holding onto her head. "Y/N? Hey, what happened?" I said, placing my hand on her shoulder. She didn't say anything as she keeps on crying out in pain. Her body eventually falls off the chair, landing on the ground. My eyes widen as I quickly crouch down next to her.

"Sensei! I need to take Y/N to the infirmary!" I said. He grants me a permission. I gently scoops her up in my arms and rushes out of the classroom, making my way towards the infirmary. What happened to her? Why did she suddenly collapse? Could it be... reading the history book triggers something?

I place her on the bed, taking a seat on the chair next to her. I gently hold her hand as I stare at her. "Giyuu..." she muttered in her sleep, with her eyes still closed. My eyes soften at as she calls out my name. I place my chin on the back of her hand as I stare at her.

"Y/N... I wish you'd remember me and our lives before this. It's me... your Giyuu" I said. I feel tears starts to fall from my eyes. I slowly place my head on the bed, still staring at her. "Please remember me, Y/N" I muttered. I slowly close my eyes as I let myself drift off to sleep.



I slowly open my eyes to see a ceiling above me. The last thing I remember was collapsing in the middle of lesson. I feel warmth in my hand. I turn my head to see Giyuu. He's asleep with his hand holding mine.

My eyes soften at the sight of him. I don't know what happened to me. But after collapsing in class. I feel something in me that I didn't know I had. The sense of familiarity is stronger now that I watch Giyuu sleeping next to me.

I've always believed in the existence of reincarnation. So if I can't remember knowing Giyuu now. Could it be that I was someone who got reincarnated? And that I knew Giyuu in my previous life?

He slowly starts to move in his sleep. His eyes flutter open as he turn to look at me. "Y/N... you're awake" he said. He moves to sit straighter. He rub his eyes a few times, possibly trying to get rid of the sleepiness. "How are you feeling? What happened to you?" He asked.

"I'm okay now. And I don't know what happened. I just feel a sharp pain in my head out of nowhere. But it's gone now" I said. He just hum softly as he smiles at me. I just stare at him. His face is becoming more and more familiar. It's like I've seen him before. But I never knew him in my life. "Giyuu... do you..." I started, but stop mid-sentence.

"Do I what?" He asked staring at me in confusion. If he didn't believe in the existence of reincarnation like I do. He would ended up viewing me as a freaky girl. Maybe it would be best if I just keep things to myself.

"No, nothing... forget it" I said, shaking my head. He stares at me in confusion. I just give him a small smile. "It's just a ridiculous thought" I said.

"Nothing is ridiculous if it comes from you..." he said, in a soft voice. I blink my eyes at what he said. He just smiles at me. I feel my cheeks growing warm at what he just said. I'm still not sure if it's true, whether I actually was someone who got reincarnated. So until I'm 100% sure. I'm just gonna keep things to myself.

I turn my head to look at the clock. "Ah... it's time to go home. I was out for nearly an entire day" I said. I turn to look at Giyuu. "I'm gonna be in so much trouble" I said.

"No you won't. You were sick. So I'm sure the teachers would understand" he said. I just give him a small smile at his choice of words to assure me. "I'll take you home. Can you walk?" He asked.

"Maybe?" I said. He helps me sits up. He holds my arms as I slowly move to stand. I try to take a step, only for my knees to feel like jelly. Giyuu is quick to catch me in his arms before I could fall over.

"Guess not..." he said. He places me back on the bed. He turn around, letting his back faces me. "Get on... I'll carry you home" he said. I just stare at him. He turn his head to look at me. "Just get on. Don't think too much. It's okay" he said. I let out a sigh and gently wrap my arms around his neck.

He places his hands behind my knees, standing up with me on his back. I place my chin on his shoulder and closes my eyes. The way he smells also seems familiar. Why do I keep feeling this sense of familiarity. Am I actually a reincarnated human? Or... was I a demon? Like the one written in the book... is that why I feel a sense of connection to it?

*to be continued*

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