Chapter 19

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Henrik's POV

It has been a few day, and it seems that Easton's still not completely over what happened, but he's a bit happier now.

Weston's trying to convince me to bite him, but I know that Easton's not ready for that, and I don't want to do anything like that.

Although I'm a bit worried about him, and I know that it would make him feel a bit better.

Which would be very helpful considering the fact that Easton and Weston will have to go back to their pack to take their things from there.

And they will also have to talk with their parents, and tell them that they found their mates.

But we decide that they won't do it while they will be at their former pack, because we don't want anything happening to them.

So, they will just go to their former pack and then they will come back with their things, before they will call their parents to tell them that they found their mates.

I wasn't very happy about that, but then they told me that they don't really care about their parents, same as they don't care about them, so it makes me feel a bit better about this plan.

They will be leaving in a few days, and I would want to go with them, but it don't want their pack to know where they will be moving to.

And I'm sure that the Alpha will be able to smell that I'm connected to the Alpha of the is pack, so this might cause some unnecessary trouble for us.

When I walk out of the bathroom, I quickly realise that my mates aren't here anymore, so I go downstairs, and I find them in the living room.

"I'm bored." I tell them, and Easton chuckles.

"When aren't you bored?" He asks me and I roll my eyes.

"Let's go to the pack house." I tell them, and Weston doesn't seem to be happy with that while Easton nods slightly.

Before I can even try to convince Weston to come with us, his phone rings, and he looks at it before he frowns.

"Who's that?" I ask him curiously.

"My parents." He tells me, and then he looks a me with an arched eyebrow, as if asking me if he should pick it up.

I just shrug, so he let's it ring, but when the call finally ends, he gets a text message, which he opens without thinking about it.

"They say that they want to see us, because apparently there's too much dust in the house for their liking, so they want to know why we don't clean it." Weston tells us.

"Don't answer it, they will think that you didn't see it yet. If you will respond then we will have to go there soon, but it will ruin our plan.

And they might get suspicious, then they will tell he Alpha to find us." Easton tells him, and Weston's eyes widen.

"They will already see that I saw it." Weston says, and then he turns the phone towards us, before he points at the mark under the text which says that Weston ready saw the message.

"Well that's not good." I say and Easton nods.

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