Chapter 39

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Weston's POV

I was waiting on everyone to come back to the house, but then I started to hear and alarm.

So, I'm assuming that we are attacked, because I don't really see a reason for making the alarm ring for anything else.

I wonder what I should do, because I have no idea if there's a safe room here, and if I should run towards the pack house or stay here.

I guess that staying here will be a lot less dangerous, because I have no idea what's going on outside, so I decide to stay in the living room.

A few minutes later I can hear that someone's unlocking the front door, and I quickly go towards the door that leads from the living room to the back yard.

I try to run away, but right after I open it, I quickly realise that it's Hanrik and Oliver, who were most likely going back to the house when the alarm went of.

I quickly close the door, making sure to lock them, before I walk out of the living room to see them.

"You scared me." I tell them.

"Sorry." Henrik says, sounding slightly amused.

"Let's go to the safe room." Oliver tells us and Henrik agrees, so we block our scents, before he takes my hand, and I go with them towards the basement.

When we walk into the safe room, it turns out that it's not really in the basement, but it's under the house, with the exit leading into the basement.

We decide to sit down, and I take one of the water bottles, before I drink it happily.

"Where's Easton?" I ask Henrik a while later, when I realise that he didn't come here with them like he was supposed to do.

"He wanted to hang out with his friend, so I told him that he can come back with papa if he wants to." Henrik says, so I nod.

The alarm continues to ring for just a few more minutes, and when it stops, Oliver stands up to open the door, before we walk out, although I do it very reluctantly.

If they could handle the attack this quickly, then I guess that it wasn't anything serious.

In my former pack, if there was an attack, that meant that we had to sit in the safe room for hours.

We go back to the living room, and we wait for Edward to come here.

About half and hour later, the front door opens and Edward comes inside with Easton, Andrew and River.

"What happened?" Oliver asks him curiously, and Edward glares at Easton and Andrew, so everyone turns to look at them, although they don't say anything, so Edward decided to explain.

"Andrew and Easton were running around the pack house with a few other people, and someone accidentally pressed the alarm.

So, that's why everyone had to stop what they were doing, and they had to go to the safe room for no reason." Edward says and Easton looks a bit amused which makes Henrik chuckle, but I'm not amused at all.

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