Chapter 13

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Easton's POV

When I wake up in the next morning, I try to get ready for the day, but I quickly realise that I forgot to take my things from my car.

It's still very early, and I doubt that Weston and Henrik are awake yet, so I guess that I will have to go to my car alone, so I can get them.

I still didn't think about what happened yesterday, and when I was alone, I quickly went to sleep, because I knew that if I will allow myself to think about everything, then I won't be able to get any rest.

At least now I'm not tired, so it will be easier for me to deal with this situation.

When I get downstairs, I try to go to the living room, but I see someone who looks a lot like Henrik, and he quickly walks towards me with a smile when he sees me.

"Where are you going?" He asks me casually, so I guess that he thinks that I'm Weston.

"I'm not Weston. I'm his twin brother, Easton." I tell him, and his eyes widen slightly, before he smiles at me again.

"I'm Andrew, Henrik's younger brother." He tells me, so I nod in acknowledgement.

"Anyway." He says. "Where are you going? Do you even know out pack lands enough to not get lost in the woods?" He asks me.

He doesn't even let me answer his questions, before he continues talking, and he gestures for me to follow him outside, so I do it reluctantly.

"There are some traps in the woods, so you will have to be careful, because some bastard set them up a few years ago, and we already found who that was.

But we still didn't find all the traps, and it will most likely take a while to do it, so you will have to be careful or you will get hurt." He says, and I'm impressed in how quickly he managed to tell me all of that.

"Where are we going?" He asks me a while later, when he realises that he doesn't even know where he's supposed to lead me.

"The parking, the one that is next to the pack house." I tell him, and he nods, before he continues to tell me everything that I have to know about this pack lands.

To be honest, some of those facts are quite interesting, and it seem that there's a lot happening here, at least compared to my pack, or more like my former pack.

I really doubt that I will be allowed to go back to my house, at least for longer then it will take me to pack my things.

Especially because my mate's a part of the Alpha's family, so I'm sure that the Alpha won't be happy if he will find out that I rejected him or ran away from him.

"By the way." Andrew says a while later. "Are you Henrik's mate too?" He asks me, and I nod slightly, which makes his smile, but he quickly realises that I'm not happy, and his smile turns into a frown.

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