Chapter 44

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Weston's POV

To be honest, hanging out with this people isn't that bad, and when Richard went to talk with some of his other friends, two people came to talk with me and I don't really mind it now.

Even though I wished that I could just tell them to leave me alone at first.

They're pretty nice, and they have a similar character to Richard, so I'm sure that we will get along, and I guess that having two more friends won't hurt me.

When it starts to get dark, I decide that I should go, because I stayed here a lot longer than I intended to, and I'm starting to miss Henrik and Easton.

I'm also hungry, and I hope that they made some nice dinner, but I try not to get my hopes up, because I know that Easton still doesn't feel well, and Henrik can't do a good dinner.

Also, Henrik's family is out today, so I can't even hope that they made the dinner.

"I should go back, I me sure that my mate is waiting on me." I tell Richard, and he nods in acknowledgement, so I start to walk away while he goes towards his other friends again.

Before I can leave the clearing, I can hear a gunshot, which quickly makes me turn around to see what happened.

And my eyes widen when I see that one of Richard's friends got shot.

I look around to try to find out who shot him, and I can see that one of the men is holding a gun with a scared expression on his face, which makes me think that he didn't intend to do what he did.

He runs towards the girl who's lying on the ground, and a few other people follow him quickly.

One man quickly grabs the shirt of the shooter, and then he pulls him up to his feet, before he hits him on the face hardly.

I guess that that's the girl's mate, because I remember that they were kissing earlier.

The alarm starts to ring, telling everyone to go towards the pack house.

I run towards the two men who are fighting, hoping that I will be able to separate them, before one of them will kill the other.

When I run past the girl, I can see that she's bleeding a lot, and I really doubt that she will survive this.

I quickly take the gun, which is laying next to the girl, and I make sure to take the rest of the bullets out, so no one will try to use it again.

And then I join the two people, who are trying to separate the fighting men.

A while later, the warriors come here to see what's going on, and they quickly take a hold of the men, which allows me to step aside.

Two of the warriors go to the pack house of tell everyone what happened, and to get Denver and the doctor, while the rest of them stays here with us.

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